Photos Ukrainian Military

Not a bad video. You can turn the sound off (in Ukrainian with no subtitles). Really liked the bit with Mi-8 choppers used to lay mines to protect the flank of the attacking force.

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Ukrainian Air Force 15th Anniversary small fly over.

^Having a battalion commander who is also good at PR and is a media personality who speaks Ukrainian certainly helps. 503rd ALWAYS takes part in prestigious exercises outside Ukraine.
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That's good. The more training and input the better.

Faces of the 503rd.
Check out the links for more great pictures.













Larysa Mala (4th pic) & 503 окремий батальйон морської піхоти | FB

The battalion commander came from Airborne forces. He is from Western Ukraine (I think Lviv native) and doesn't speak Russian. So, a lot of eye brows were raised when he was assigned to lead an overwhelming Russian-speaking unit and without Marines pedigree to boot. I used to support the 1st INDEPENDENT Marines battalion and apparently there is some really heated rivalry between the two units.
L-39 jet trainer crash in Ukraine. 3rd year Air Force academy cadet reported technical issues with an aircraft, guided it to an open area, and only afterwards ejected safely. Investigation into the causes of the crash is ongoing. For his calm and mature actions on his first solo flight the cadet will be commanded and awarded.

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Remember this story? Apparently things were actually quite scary. The pilot cadet's name is Oleksiy Bachenko. He ejected at a height of just 400 meters. Worse yet, this was right at the Russian - Ukrainian border. As soon as he landed he began stripping himself of Ukrainian insignia and destroying documents, but was immediately surrounded by a group of Russian-speaking folks armed with pitch forks, knives, hammers, whatever.

He thought he was f**ed, but it soon turned out that these were Ukrainian farmers who rushed to his aid fearing for his life as they thought Russian border guards would cross the border and snatch him into Russia. Then immediately the local cops and ambulance arrived at the scene followed up in just five minutes by the Ukrainian Special Forces unit which airlifted him to the hospital.

Outgoing United Forces commander inspects Ukrainian Positions near Avdiivka.

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On August 6th, 2019, 10:22 AM local time, a lucky shot from an RPG-7 using 82mm mortar round (yes, there are field modifications implemented by both side that allow the use of RPG-7 as a portable mortar platform) scored a direct hit on Ukrainian position killing 4 marines instantly. Ukrainian side didn't retaliate. Instead, President Zelenskiy called on international community to interfere and phoned Putin. As you guys can imagine this went nowhere. This event produced a public outcry and even dissension within his cabinet, but no practical response.

All of the killed Marines were from the 1st Marines Battalion

Sr. Sailor Aleksandr Sharko forever 31.

Sailor Vladislav Rak, forever 20 years old.


Sailor Vasiliy Kurdov


Sailor Sergey Shandra, forever 24 years old.

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