Photos Conflicts In Lebanon

Syrian soldiers patrol Beirut. Syrian troops went to Lebanon to keep order between several warring factions in the country. (Photo by Maher Attar/Sygma via Getty Images)

Syrian soldiers patrol Beirut. Syrian troops went to Lebanon to keep order between several warring factions in the country. (Photo by Maher Attar/Sygma via Getty Images)
A Syrian soldier overlooks Beirut with a rocket-propelled grenade launcher. Syrian troops went to Lebanon to keep order between several warring factions in the country. (Photo by Maher Attar/Sygma via Getty Images)

Part of an army sent into Lebanon to restore order between warring factions of Shi'ite Amal militants and Palestinians loyal to Yasser Arafat, Syrian soldiers occupy the Hezbollah Fathallah barracks in West Beirut. | Location: West Beirut, Lebanon. (Photo by Maher Attar/Sygma via Getty Images)

BEIRUT, LEBANON - FEBRUARY 27: A Syrian soldier is posted, 27 February 1987, at a Syrian checkpoint in front of the Commodore Hotel in Beirut. (FILM) (Photo credit should read KAMEL LAMAA/AFP via Getty Images)

Part of an army sent into Lebanon to restore order between warring factions of Shi'ite Amal militants and Palestinians loyal to Yasser Arafat, Syrian soldiers on patrol in front of the American University in Beirut have their photo taken by Dominique Aubert, a Sygma photographer. | Location: West Beirut, Lebanon. (Photo by Maher Attar/Sygma via Getty Images

Palestinian people walk in the refugee camp of Chatila, near Beirut, among Syrian soldiers occupying the site as security force after a 113-days siege by Amal Shiite militia, 07 April 1987. Des Palestiniens marchent dans le camp de réfugiés de Chatila, près de Beyrouth, au milieu de soldats syriens assurant la sécurité après un siège de 113 jours par la milice chiite du Amal. (FILM) (Photo credit should read ISMAIL NABIL/AFP via Getty Images)

A Palestinian woman is controlled by a Syrian soldier while she enter the refugee camp of Chatila after buying some supplies at a nearby market a few days after the end of the siege by Shiite Amal movement, 11 April 1987. The siege lasted 133 days. AFP PHOTO BILAL KABALAN (Photo credit should read BILAL QABALAN/AFP via Getty Images)

A Syrian soldier stands in front of a Palestinian flag. East-Beirut, April 27th 1987. Un soldat syrien devant le drapeau palestinien le 27 avril 1987 à Beyrouth-Ouest, Liban. (Photo by Patrick AVENTURIER/Gamma-Rapho via Getty Images)

A Syrian soldier with a rocket-powered grenade launcher stands guard in a Beirut city street, June 1987. The soldier was one of a deployment of an estimated 7,000 Syrian troops in West Beirut after clashes in February 1987, between militiamen of the Syrian-backed Shia Amal and a coalition of Palestinians, Druzes, and the Lebanese Communist Party. (Photo by Tom Stoddart/Getty Images)

A member of the Syrian army sent into West Beirut in an attempt to restore order between warring factions of Shi'ite Amal militia and Palestinians loyal to Yasser Arafat, stands guard in the street as two young girls pass by. | Location: West Beirut, Lebanon. (Photo by Maher Attar/Sygma via Getty Images)

Syrian soldiers deploy theire forces in Shatila refugee camp, near Beirut, 20 January 1988, following the retreat of the Shiite Amal movement and the 6th Lebanese army after a 32-month siege. (FILM) Les soldats syriens se déploient dans le camp de réfugiés palestiniens de Chatila, près de Beyrouth, le 20 janvier 1988, après le retrait des membres du mouvement Shiite Amal et de la 6e brigade de l'armée libanaise au bout de 32 mois de siège. (Photo credit should read RABIH MOGHRABI/AFP via Getty Images)

Syrian soldiers patrol in a southern suburb of Beirut 28 May 1988, after heavy inter-Shi'ite clashes erupted between pro-Syrian Amal movement and pro-Iranian Hezbollah militia. In early June 1976, Syria launched a full-scale invasion of Lebanon officially to end the civil war and restore peace. The Lebanese civil war broken out in April 1975. AFP PHOTO RABIH MOGHRABI (Photo credit should read RABIH MOGHRABI/AFP via Getty Images)

Syrian soldiers patrol in a southern suburb of Beirut 27 May 1988, in front of an Amal frescoes, after heavy inter-Shi'ite clashes erupted between pro-Syrian Amal movement and pro-Iranian Hezbollah militia. In early June 1976, Syria launched a full-scale invasion of Lebanon officially to end the civil war and restore peace. The Lebanese civil war broken out in April 1975. AFP PHOTO RABIH MOGHRABI (Photo credit should read RABIH MOGHRABI/AFP via Getty Images)

A syrian soldiers armed with his kalachnikov positioned in a hole in front of a take in charge the securite of the Moslem sector of Beirut, Lebanon on February 22, 1987. (Photo by Rabih MOGHRABI / AFP) (Photo credit should read RABIH MOGHRABI/AFP via Getty Images)

A syrian soldiers armed with his kalachnikov positioned in a hole securises the Moslem sector of Beirut, Lebanon on February 22, 1987. (Photo by Rabih MOGHRABI / AFP) (Photo credit should read RABIH MOGHRABI/AFP via Getty Images)

While another soldier digs a new hole, Syrian soldiers armed with kalachnikov are positioned in various hole in front of a take in charge the securite of the Moslem sector of Beirut, Lebanon on February 22, 1987. (Photo by Rabih MOGHRABI / AFP) (Photo credit should read RABIH MOGHRABI/AFP via Getty Images)

Syrian soldiers and members of the pro-Syria Amal militia, the first political organization of Lebanon's Shi'ite Muslim, celebrate the arrival of Syrian troops in west Beirut 22 February 1987. In February 1987, fierce fighting took place in west Beirut between Amal forces and an alliance of the Druze, Murabitoun and Communist Party militias. Muslim leaders appealed for Syria to intervene to restore order. 22 February about 7,500 Syrian "pacification" troops were deployed in west Beirut and succeeded in enforcing a cease-fire in the central and northern districts of west Beirut. (Photo credit should read KAMEL LAMAA/AFP via Getty Images)

A Syrian soldier patrols South Beirut. Syrian troops went to Lebanon to keep order between several warring factions in the country. (Photo by Maher Attar/Sygma via Getty Images)

A Syrian soldier in south Beirut with a rocket-propelled grenade launcher. Syrian troops went to Lebanon to keep order between several warring factions in the country. (Photo by Maher Attar/Sygma via Getty Images)


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