Politics Syrian Civil War

Interesting moment is a how Russian official news channels shows the agreements. Despite everyone see how humiliating this agreements is for Erdo, offical news otherwise portrays it with all possible respect and like a mutual and coordinated decision.
Again, it’s makes a lot of sense and is in line with the previous tsar’s behaviour. He cannot show any signs of humiliating the sultan, as doing so would make him manipulate the latter more difficult.

The tsar uses a clever the stick and the carrot policy without revealing any details if it’s not necessary. He may say behind the closed doors: “Mr president, do you remember what happened to the Turkish economy when we banned outbound flights from Russia to Turkey a couple of years ago? If we did it again, the decision would affect the tourism in Turkey even more, as the corona virus is damaging enough. Do you want to get some 5th generation fighters? Sorry, man, but Trump is not going to sell them to you. We can do it and we will not stop you from using them against Greece if necessary”.

You don’t humiliate a junior business partner, as he still has some good money, so you can manipulate him in your favour.
You cannot take the piss out of him, call him an idiot, show the world that you stopped him from doing something and you are proud of your achievement,

Instead, you take one step back, giving him some respect and a breathing space, but you are extremely patient and have long-term strategic goals, so you will take three steps forward in the future.
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The Greeks are standing firm on the border and are continuing to reinforce it. Other than the lunatic Communist party, Erdo has done something that hasn't been done since Mussolini. He has united the Greek people, both at home and diaspora. Erdo is not very bright. He will continue to ship what he considers undesirables to the Greek border, the Greeks will stand firm and eventually the Sultan will shoot himself in the other knee and the Greeks will declare victory. The Turkish military is starting to lose patience.
The Greeks are stonK, as the entire EU supports them for a change.
Poland’s policy started resembling the tsar’s one, so we started showing our relevance and try to shape up the EU. The biggest EU countries should not assume we will be their poodle dog and always do what they want. So, if sending 200 border guards and policemen to Greece is not enough, we will send 2000.
Again, it’s makes a lot of sense and is in line with the previous tsar’s behaviour. He cannot show and signs of humiliating the sultan, as doing so would make him manipulate the latter more difficult.

The tsar uses a clever the stick and the carrot policy without revealing any details if it’s not necessary. He may say behind the closed doors: “Mr president, do you remember what happened to the Turkish economy when we banned outbound flights from Russia to Turkey a couple of years ago? If we did it again, the decision would affect the tourism in Turkey even more, as the corona virus is damaging enough. Do you want to get some 5th generation fighters? Sorry, man, but Trump is not going to sell them to you. We can do it and we will not stop you from using them against Greece if necessary”.

You don’t humiliate a junior business partner, as he still has some good money, so you can manipulate him in your favour.
You cannot take the piss out of him, call him an idiot, show the world that you stopped him from doing something and you are proud of your achievement,

Instead, you take one step back, giving him some respect and a breathing space, but you are extremely patient and have long-term strategic goals, so you will take three steps forward in the future.

This kind of cleverness is only a common sense yet it is something EU and NATO leadership woefully lacking.
This kind of cleverness is only a common sense yet it is something EU and NATO leadership woefully lacking.
Exactly. We have the EU leadership who uses the carrot and Trump who uses the stick. Neither of them are able to combine the both.
Putin knows how to play against Erdogan, as the sultan is just an image of the tsar with the exception of being poorer and having smaller toys. If he knows what would make him happy or sad, so it also applies to Erdogan.

He is able to convince the sultan that he is a great guy like himself. They have the same problem of great people doing great things, but the world leaders don't understand their greatness and sideline them.
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The fantasies of the neo-Sultan will occur only when no one pushes back. So far, Russia has gotten all it wanted from Erdogan in Syria as Turkey's proxies have been thrown under the bus and Greece is standing firm on controlling it's border, even as Erdo busses tens of thousands of "refugees" there. How long before Erdogan creates his own humanitarian crisis on the Turkish side?
not neo sultan,but he is neo kalifah!
The situation on the Turkish-Bulgarian border remain calm

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This kind of cleverness is only a common sense yet it is something EU and NATO leadership woefully lacking.

Seems USA/EU/NATO leadership still lived in past reality of the end of 20 century. USSR defeated in cold war and collapsed, China was poor and nowhere near with world economic leaders. They just did not feel the need to any diplomatic efforts or dialogs and compromises. They just can rule every single country like they want and crush any resistance with the overwhelming military power.

World has changed since then first with asymmetrical terrorist threat, then China economical power became comparable with US and two countries became very tied each other economically. Russia restored control over Chechnia, crushed US puppets in Georgia 2008, liberated Crimea in 2014 despite all US/EU barking.

World has changed but western leadership still lived in the glorious past. They still believe they are omnipotent.
Seems USA/EU/NATO leadership still lived in past reality of the end of 20 century. USSR defeated in cold war and collapsed, China was poor and nowhere near with world economic leaders. They just did not feel the need to any diplomatic efforts or dialogs and compromises. They just can rule every single country like they want and crush any resistance with the overwhelming military power.

World has changed since then first with asymmetrical terrorist threat, then China economical power became comparable with US and two countries became very tied each other economically. Russia restored control over Chechnia, crushed US puppets in Georgia 2008, liberated Crimea in 2014 despite all US/EU barking.

World has changed but western leadership still lived in the glorious past. They still believe they are omnipotent.
I can take it as your the best post on this forum.
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So... basically... an act of war, no?
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Edit: as one of commenters said "Dissolution of HTS into turkish camp." to avoid annihilation by SAA/RuAF.
Interesting assessment of what's happening/happened regarding Erdogan, Putin and Syria.

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Idlib. Non declared war.

ANNA news team embedded with units of 25th divison of Syrian Arab Army in the days of Turkish agression. Lots of unique combat footage from southern Idlib and Seraqib. 23.02.20 - 06.03.20.

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00:00-02:00 Tank thermal sight footage of firings on groups of terrorist.

08:00-12:00 UAV footage of air\artillery strikes.

14:00-17:00 Deserted terrorists positions and caves and other fortifications. Terrorist base in ruins of ancient byzantyne town of Assar Shirakh (? can't hear it clear). They placed their bases there because SyAF/RuAF did not strike this place because it is important ancient legacy place.

18:00-26:00 Another set of UAV footage of air\artillery strikes.

26:00-28:00 SAA tactics changed because of Turkish strikes.

28:00-34:00 Intense footage of combat in Seraqib under the uav/artillery barrages of Turkish army. ANNA news guys are crazy bastards, really have a balls of steel.

35:00 Dead and captured pro-Turkish militants.
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Interesting assessment of what's happening/happened regarding Erdogan, Putin and Syria.

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My previous political analysis was exactly the same like this guy's video. I’m not going make any comments regarding the competence of the Turkish troops in Syria, as I don’t have the time for that.
Both me and that guy made critical points:
- Erdogan plays a very dangerous game, trying to make all Turkey's neighbours (Iran included), the U.S.A., the EU and Russia upset. Needless to say, such a strategy requires a lot of skills.
- Russia tries to be friendly and respectful in order to push Turkey away from the NATO and make Turkey more dependent on Russian energy resources, military hardware and development projects inside Turkey.
- Erdogan will not get any support from NATO against Russia.
- he cannot get over to the fact that there are totally different governments in the EU comparing to 2015 and they will not tolerate scores of people coming from shithole countries to the EU. That’s why people voted for them, to stop it.
That’s why it happened:
- Don’t expect any anti-Turkish statements made by the Polish government, as Poland has been getting on with Turkey very well for the last 300 years. It’s not going to happen. Turkey showed a lot of support for the Polish independence in the 18th and the 19th century and everybody knows it in Poland. The next thing is, the current Polish government is trying to transform Poland into a light catholic version of the sultanate, so harming the sultan will not suit them.
- A clever diplomat would notice it in one second that Turkey could be a good mediator between Poland and Russia.
- Frontex statistics say most of the migrants are not from Syria, but from Afghanistan, Pakistan and Iran. Well, far too many of them, to put it gently.
- once the sultan realises he is his worst enemy and his tactics don’t work, he should start thinking of a more sensible successor.
- if he is unable to achieve that, some military officers should “help” him, as his self-damaging strategy does not do any good for Turkey.
- The only strategic winner is Russia in terms of showing its diplomatic skills, flexibility, patience and resilience.
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if he is unable to achieve that, some military officers should “help” him, as his self-damaging strategy does not do any good for Turkey

Despite the purges that followed the failed coup?
Despite the purges that followed the failed coup?
The purges did not put everybody out of jobs, just the most suspicious ones. Some of them keep a low profile, trying not to expose themselves. The others may have “the second thought”.

The sultan had a problem with the number of pilots required to man the Turkish F16s, so he decided to employ them back. A clever politician would think: “can I trust them AGAIN?”

We can be betrayed just by the ones we trust. It happened so to Julius Caesar and Bagdaddy.

I think al-Tikriti applies here as well, as his family revealed his hideout.
A note about sultans:
- sultans are very specific species who show a lot of mercy upon their external enemies. If their opponents are great soldiers and they fight brilliantly, sultans respect them:
- at the same time, sultans are extremely harsh on their internal enemies and traitors. They never forgive them or pardon them.
- definitely, you CANNOT call a sultan a fool under any circumstances, as he will do his best to fcuk you up in the future. He may make his people eat grass, bang a mirror with his head out of anger in his toilet, but he will not forgive you and will find new friends. He will take his revenge at the time that suits him.

The only country that is able to understand it is Russia. Nobody else knows how to play the game with the sultan.
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A Polish guy twatted a message about how the tsar humiliated the sultan.
First of all, there’s the Catherine's the Great bust in the room. She was the Russian emperor, who took Crimea and and Moldavia from the Ottoman Empire. She looks at Erdogan.
The next detail is the clock titled “the Balkan crossing”. It was made to commemorate the successful Russian campaign against the Ottoman Empire in 1877-1878.
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That’s how Putin plays the game.

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