The problem is our border itself - new installations and upgrades are still under construction, progress is too slow to stop big waves of illegal human traffic right now. And just for the record, the EU give us 160 000 000 € for this project. Basically, there are two types of EU borders - internal (between EU-member states) and external (between EU-member states and states with no EU membership). The goal is to keep the internal ones open and reinforce the external with EU funding. Unfortunately, people on media outlets and social networks don't bother to recognize this difference, sometimes deliberately to give distorted idea on the EU policy.
Long Story Short: from a long time Turkey is providing basic living conditions for millions of Syrians, plus the cost for securing them into a designated settlements. And because this situation came to him from abroad, he want some else to pay the bill. Frankly speaking, he had no obligation to hold those people under Turkish custody, so back in 2016 he just let them go wherever they want. The EU went in panic, Germany had emergency negotiations and agree to pay just to keep them away from Europe. This was the so-called "Merkel's deal", and if the people ranting against it have a better one to propose, I'm interested.
Now with the latest Russian-Iranian war effort in Idlib, more Syrians are expected run away from their proxy Cult, which means more money is needed and the bargaining starts all over. There are three possible outcomes:
- The EU pays more money, Turkey is "taking care" of the humanitarian disaster on its territory, Russia and Iran get what they want.
- Failure of the EU-Turkish negotiations, migrant flow is crashing into Europe causing ethno-religious chaos, Russia is even more happy.
- Turkey hold back the Russian-Iranian warfare in Idlib so the Syrians in Idlib could stay in their homes. Russia and Iran are raging, by why should we support their demands, instead our interests.
Make your pick.
And let's not forget your beloved "Syrian Arab Army":
Thanks for the detail.
I can understand the Iranian groups, but you would think there is enough fighting in Iraq to keep their own groups happy?
I don't have a problem with EU paying Turkey to keep the refugees, cant be easy with so many.