Other Post So, how was your day?

Got a desperate text late yesterday evening from my father “boohoo I can’t use internet on my phone anymore”. Lucky of him he was around town so he drove to my flat early and as usual this old bugger managed to inadvertently put his phone on airplane mode.

I love taking care of my Luddite boomer parents.

I'm an iPhone guy and both my parents use Android phones. So it really is the blind leading the blind when I am trying to talk them through fixes....
I'm an iPhone guy and both my parents use Android phones. So it really is the blind leading the blind when I am trying to talk them through fixes....

Roger that, I use iPhone since 2018, before that Windows phone and probably owned the Galaxy 2 at some point ages ago. Not familiar with Huawei or Redmi phones but to put the airplane mode off doesn’t require some MENSA IQ so it’s within my abilities.
In all fairness to my luddite boomer parents … I've noticed that I've started to become annoyed with modern technology.

Yeah, if you mean AI or TikTok I am with you.
You are reminding me I need to go give my dentist her latest Mercedes payment (and get another filling).
Today was the final surgeons appointment for that knee and we decided together for a date in mid July. Surgery it is then to remove a bone fragment from it, 33x27mm no less!

I’m getting very close to knee replacement too, especially if this operation and procedure doesn’t give a satisfying outcome. Total knee replacement is a last resort but I’m willing to if no other viable options.
Looked at the new rota , Am put on 6 days again ...

Ironically a lass who has returned from a 10 day holiday is off Fri / Sat ..and every other person in the kitchen has 2 days off