The Magazine Army Recognition is again to Russia, for the best Russian Defence Exhibition of the year, the Russian Expo Arms 2008.
It's the best Defence Exhibition for the mobility demonstration, where you can see all the laste armoured vehicles and main batlle in off-road condition and real firing combat condition.
Some nice pictures about Edition Russian Expo Arms 2002 et 2006,and before the 09 July follow the activities of Russian Expo Arms 2008, with news and pictures to the web site Army Recognition, with amazing pictures.
More information and pictures to http://www.armyrecognition.com
Alain and team Army Recognition
The Magazine Army Recognition is again to Russia, for the best Russian Defence Exhibition of the year, the Russian Expo Arms 2008.
It's the best Defence Exhibition for the mobility demonstration, where you can see all the laste armoured vehicles and main batlle in off-road condition and real firing combat condition.
Some nice pictures about Edition Russian Expo Arms 2002 et 2006,and before the 09 July follow the activities of Russian Expo Arms 2008, with news and pictures to the web site Army Recognition, with amazing pictures.

More information and pictures to http://www.armyrecognition.com
Alain and team Army Recognition