Photos Remembering The Battle Of Jutland


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Jan 21, 2002
The Battle of Jutland was a naval battle fought by the British Royal Navy's Grand Fleet under Admiral Sir John Jellicoe, against the Imperial German Navy's High Seas Fleet under Vice-Admiral Reinhard Scheer during the First World War. May 31, 1916 – June 1, 1916

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Why not post some pics or links to the battle
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Admiral Sir David Beatty



At the Battle of Jutland in 1916 two of his battlecruisers, Queen Mary and Indefatigable, exploded causing Beatty to famously remark There seems to be something wrong with our bloody ships today. He was dogged by controversy over Jutland after the war when he attempted to get the official record changed to place the actions of the Battle Cruiser Fleet in a more favourable light.
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Jutland medallion, struck by Spink and Sons in 1916

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Battleship Malaya, 1919-21 before the massive retrofit. The Queen Elizabeth class battleships took part in the battle as the most modern warship at sea on that day, though they were kept back by Jelico for the most part which can be considered a significant tactical mistake. However in the initial engagement they dealt quite some damage to the German advanceguard under Hipper.

I must aplologize for slaughtering Adm Jellicoe's name in my previous post.

Here's a pre-war picture of 1st (far right) and 2nd (left) battle squadrons of the German High Seas Fleet that took part in the battle. First battle squadron consisted of Nassau and Helgoland-class Deadnoughts while second squadron was made up of five Deutschland and one Braunschweig-class pre-Dreadnoughts with five light cruisers ( far left ) of the Bremen, Königsberg and Gazelle class in support. With 3rd Squadron they formed the German center and rear of the line.


The only Braunschweig class of 2nd Squadron, SMS Hessen


Picture of the Gazelle class SMS Frauenlob, 1910

I don't think Admiral Jellicoe made any serious mistakes but mistakes were made. From what I have read the biggest issue for the navy was that the British public and the admiralty were expecting a victory on the scale of Trafalgar. I suppose it is is easy to look back in hindsight with 20/20 vision but one can expect in a fast moving battle that certain decisions made in the heat of the moment can have a negative effect on the outcome but they can also have a positive result when the circumstances allow.

The German fleet commanded by Admiral Reinhard Scheer retreated to port so something was being done correctly on the British side ( Lots of direct hits in fading light)

Let's not forget also that although both sides claimed victory it was the British Navy who retained control of the North Sea
Another issue was that the British Navy had broken the German signal codes so expectations were likely very high that the German fleet would be destroyed.
With those massive bow structures, it's remarkable ramming was considered a viable tactic.

Well the German Nassau did attempt to slice one of the British destroyers in half. Instead it just scraped it full lenght, then fired its guns over it and the subsequent blast wave almost completly removed the poor DDs superstructure lol

Another issue was that the British Navy had broken the German signal codes so expectations were likely very high that the German fleet would be destroyed.

Yeah, plus the odds were against the Germans. Their ships had better shells and searchlights so had an advantige in night action but their engagement range was inferior, they had less ships and also more obsolete ones. On the other hand the British were a little careless with safety measures on their gun turrets and also got some conflicting information from Room 40 afaik.
Very true

A shell penetrated into HMS Indefatigable’s forward turret. No one had closed the magazine doors and the ship blew up in a catastrophic explosion, killing all but two of 1,019 men aboard. Shortly afterwards, HMS Queen Mary exploded, taking with her nearly 1,300 men

Admiral Beatty growled “there seems to be something wrong with our bloody ships today”.

The Kaiser proclaimed that “the spell of Trafalgar has been broken”. The Grand Fleet’s return was more subdued and the London newspapers lamented a “great naval disaster”.

The British lost more ships and many more men – 6,094 compared with 2,551 Germans. But the Grand Fleet was ready for action again the next day. Many German ships were so badly damaged they were out of action until October and the Germans never mounted another serious challenge.

Jutland was not Trafalgar, but as one American journalist remarked, “the German fleet has assaulted its jailor, but is still in jail”.
A very nice animation

SMS Kronprinz in 1919, König-class battleships were the most modern BBs on the German side during that battle, though the Germans had already completed the superior Bayern-class in 1915 but it was launched after Jutland.

That is very harsh and detestful behaviour.

Agreed a terrible thing to do but the country had always believed that "Britannia Ruled the waves" and the media didn't help by portraying the battle as a loss when it was far from it, the loss of so many sailors was also a deciding factor in the negative public opinion.

Here is an album of photos covering the battle of jutland posted by @Drone_pilot

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It's just realy hard for me to accept excuseses for such behaviour.

Great gallery from Drone_pilot !
What was the Battle of Jutland by The Imperial War Museum

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