You are right about the caliber of .338 Lapua Magnum, but according to the manufacturer's declarations first decided to create a model SKW308 (see above) powered by a cartridge 7.62 mm x 51, which is to be the successor of SVD in the event that the Polish Army announced a tender for such a weapon. Perhaps the SKW338 variant for snipers will also be accepted, but in the case of the Polish Army the manufacturer mainly counts on the 7.62mm version.
ZMT announces that the plans are also to develop a variety for the 7.62 mm x 54R cartridge (for export). The constructors are thinking about powering the last of the original 10-cartridge magazines from SVD (Dragunov's rifle).
Well, let's not forget that it is a semi-automatic weapon, for which the Polish Army or the government has no rights, so it can be offered by the factories, including the civil market, without any obstacles.
Hopes for small arms production plants for orders on semi-automatic designated marksman rifles are large, even though the official assumptions of such weapons are not yet known. Marksmans rifle of the MSBS family have already been created (5.56x45 caliber but the producer also announces the 7.62x51 version), while ZMT announces further reduction of the possible caliber and development of the 5.56x45 version as well.
The Polish Army in previous years has already ordered bolt-action sniper/dmr and anti-materiel rifles but there is no DMR semi-automatic weapon.
So much in a very simplified way.