Photos Italian Military Photos

C-1 Ariete Tank
L'Italia ne ha circa 200 presso il 3º Battaglione carri "M.O. Galas", 8º Battaglione carri "M.O. e 20º Battaglione carri "M.O.


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Logistic Support Ship Vulcano (A 5335) at La Spezia, 23 July 2020.
Vulcano is set to join the fleet this September, and should replace one of the Stromboli-class replenishment oilers. Compared to a Stromboli-class replenishment ship, Vulcano can carry almost twice the amount of diesel fuel, and about eight times the load of aviation gasoline (JP5).
LPD San Giusto (L 9894) takes on equipment for the relief mission to Beirut, 19 August 2020

San Giusto is scheduled to arrive off Beirut on 22 August with a joint army-navy relief mission. Embarked on board is a portion of the Esercito Italiano (Italian Army)’s 3rd REPASAN “Milano” (with a field hospital) and a rubble removal unit from the 6th Pioneer Regiment. These forces will be joined on the 27th of August by further army personnel, including elements of the 7th CRBN Defense Regiment “Cremona”, which will arrive both by aircraft and by the AOR Etna (A 5326), which will also support the mission.

The mission is also supported by a navy EH-101 with a biocontainment stretcher, a 60-man ‘force protection’ team from the San Marco Marine Brigade, and a team from GOI (Gruppo Operativo Incursori) of COMSUBIN, who will provide both ordnance disposal, and counter-IED capabilities. The navy will also provide hydrographic support and analysis, and, naturally, transport via San Giusto’s LCMs.
Francesco Morosini (P 431) is the second ‘Light’ PPA (Multipurpose Offshore Patrol Ship), currently fitting out at Fincantieri’s yard at Muggiano (La Spezia). She was at sea for her first trials on 4 November, though it will still be some time until her delivery to the Marina Militare (scheduled for March 2022).

The eldest of her siblings, Paolo Thaon di Revel (P 430) is also fitting out at Muggiano, while two more, Raimondo Montecuccoli (P 432) and Marcantonio Colonna (P 433) are currently on the slips at Riva Trigoso, with the former scheduled to be launched this coming December. They are the first ‘Light+’ and ‘Full’ versions of the PPA, respectively.

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