Photos Irish Defence Force Photo's

Isn't that new prime minister more pro-military, though?
No, if anything his party (Fianna Fail) started the rot by disbanding units and closing barracks to save cash, handed it over to the next government with a "No Get Out Of" clause.
'Cmon lads there are more than enough forums to bitch about Politicians .Let's keep this one free of that BS.
Hardly B.S. in my opinion and I served for over 21 years in the Defence Force of Ireland, at the rate its going soon there wont be a military to take pictures of.
One of the new IAC PC-12NG Spectre ISR AC in the US for fit out



New Sqn patch
Hardly B.S. in my opinion and I served for over 21 years in the Defence Force of Ireland, at the rate its going soon there wont be a military to take pictures of.
Well I have served for 28(and still going) does that mean my opinion counts for more than yours?? No. Of course not.So don't try that one. My point was,and is, is that there are plenty of other places to rip into our political masters.I may even agree with what you are saying there,but this forum is where I go to relax and look at Military pictures(and I would guess I am not alone in that) not to listen to Politician bashing.Justified or not.So can we leave it out???
Well I have served for 28(and still going) does that mean my opinion counts for more than yours?? No. Of course not.So don't try that one. My point was,and is, is that there are plenty of other places to rip into our political masters.I may even agree with what you are saying there,but this forum is where I go to relax and look at Military pictures(and I would guess I am not alone in that) not to listen to Politician bashing.Justified or not.So can we leave it out???
Reason I mentioned service was so people understand I am not a bloke sitting on the ditch passing comments, fair play to you for your service, I doubt since post 1997 (when I retired) that you/we can compare our service, vastly different army, however, sadly, with regards the pics people need to know who the prats in civvies are and what they have done, or in this case not done, to earn the respect of those serving, or many veterans of the Irish Defence Forces, for them it was just an attention whoring photo - op.
^Well, there's this guy on the left in the second picture covering only his chin. It's been known to be the most sensitive point of entry for the COVID virus, so that can't be wrong, can it?
Notice how the gunners all have anti-covid masks to protect them from a virus that may or may not be present right where they are but no one is wearing their Body armour to protect them from HE rounds that very much are present and could easily go off bang smack in their midst. The DF has had it's fair share of Mortar accidents down the years. Bad drills on the part of whoever let those young gunners "go slick".
^^^Maybe they just wanted to die like real men :rolleyes:

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