Photos Iraqi Armed Forces Photos


Iraqi Soldier with an M14EBR.
Iraqi counter-terrorism forces & Italian soldiers deployed in support of Operation Inherent Resolve conduct joint military training in Mosul, Iraq, April 5, 2018. The Italian army and Iraqi counter-terrorism forces have been tasked with securing and maintaining the stability of Mosul Dam. This effort is part of Combined Joint Task Force – Operation Inherent Resolve, the global Coalition to defeat ISIS in Iraq and Syria. (Portions of this image have been blurred to protect operational security.) (U.S. Army photos by Pfc. Anthony Zendejas IV)

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A wounded Iraqi soldier walks away from the site where an explosive device went of inside a house during security operations in Diyala province August 8, 2008. Picture taken August 8. REUTERS/Andrea Comas (IRAQ)

Hope this guy was ok in the end
Hoping this guy recovered without any issues :oops:
All photos are of ISOF Golden Division. Its the most known unit of the Iraqi army because they are really secular. They have a good mixture of people. Iraqi Kurds, Sunnis, Shia, Yezidis... pretty much representing the Iraqi population in contrast to most army units which are majority shia soldiers. They are also really battle hardened and were one of the few units which did not run away when IS advanced towards Baghdad and took a lot of casualties ( some estimates say 50% of the unit fell during the battle of mosul). I have the highest respect imaginable towards these soldiers.
All photos are of ISOF Golden Division. Its the most known unit of the Iraqi army because they are really secular. They have a good mixture of people. Iraqi Kurds, Sunnis, Shia, Yezidis... pretty much representing the Iraqi population in contrast to most army units which are majority shia soldiers. They are also really battle hardened and were one of the few units which did not run away when IS advanced towards Baghdad and took a lot of casualties ( some estimates say 50% of the unit fell during the battle of mosul). I have the highest respect imaginable towards these soldiers.

Great info thank you. The Iraqi Forces look more and more formidable every time I see pics of them :)
Great info thank you. The Iraqi Forces look more and more formidable every time I see pics of them :)

Exactly..check these PIX out!

Iraqi Counter Terrorism troops conduct a cordon and search training exercise outside Mosul, Iraq, May 14, 2018. CTS are laying the foundation for the future of Iraq by improving their capabilities in order to provide a secure and stable environment for the Iraqi people. (U.S. Army photo by Sgt. William Parsons)

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