Mil News Iraqi PM backs strike on Falluja


Mi General
MI.Net Member
Feb 29, 2004
Iraq's new prime minister says his government co-operated in a US air strike on the volatile city of Falluja, which killed at least 10 people.
In an unprecedented statement, Iyad Allawi said his interim government had provided intelligence for the attack.

A US military spokesman said the target was a house suspected of being used by supporters of an al-Qaeda leader, Abu Musab al-Zarqawi.

It was the latest in a spate of US air strikes on Falluja
Mr Allawi's statement demonstrates that he is keen to associate his administration publicly with attacks by American forces on foreign militants, correspondents say.

"The sovereign Iraqi people and our international partners are adamant that we will put an end to terrorism and chase those corrupt terrorists and will uproot them one by one," he said in the statement.

But Mr Allawi is under pressure to strike a balance if he is to avoid alienating the people he is supposed to represent

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