Mil News Iraqi Died After Beating - Medics


Mi General
MI.Net Member
Feb 29, 2004
Two Danish Army medics have come forward to report that they witnessed Iraqi prisoners brought to a military clinic after being beaten by British troops, Denmark's defence ministry said.

Defence minister Soeren Gade said that the unnamed medics were alleging that one of the two Iraqis died as a result of injuries sustained in the incident in September last year.

The Ministry of Defence in London said the report appeared to refer to an incident which has already been subject to an investigation by the Royal Military Police (RMP).

In that case, father-of-two Baha Mousa died in custody, allegedly after being beaten by members of the Queen's Lancashire Regiment.

The results of the RMP inquiry are currently being considered to determine whether legal action should be brought, and the MoD was unable to comment on them, said a spokeswoman.

The Ministry was seeking further clarification from Copenhagen to ensure that the latest allegations were dealt with appropriately, she added.

Mr Gade said the incident was reported yesterday to defence officials in Denmark by an army lawyer in Basra, in UK-administered southern Iraq.

According to her report, the two unidentified medics were working at a British field hospital.

They said they saw two Iraqis being brought to a British military hospital in Basra "after having been exposed to brutal treatment during an unauthorised interrogation in the field by a British unit".

The report has not been released and the nature of the injuries was not announced. There was no elaboration on the suggestion that one of prisoners had died.

Source: Modoracle

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