Mil News Iraqi interpreters' acts of heroism lost in translation

Calling the kettle black

Let me get this straight... An Iraqi bakery owner, who lives in Australia, tells another Iraqi (who happened to be a translator for the Australian military), that THEY betrayed their country?????

Well then, If the bakery owner is so f*ckin' righteous, how come they're living in Australia and not in their beloved Iraq?

I say deport those Iraqi who feel that way about their fellow countrymen who aided the military of the country that they migrated to, because it sounds like they are in reality supporters of the former blood thirsty regime the allies desposed, and therefore pose a serious threat to the security and well being of every Australian citizen!!

The bastards run to live in a free country, then accuse those who helped free their own country of being traitors who are not welcome in their establishments and homes.
Ungrateful sons of bitches, go live in Iraq where your "fellow loyal countrymen" are buried in mass graves... Buried by the former Iraqi regime you love so well!!!!

Disgusting, absolutely disgusting. And for that woman to say ''Foreign troops shouldn't be in our country"...if you feel like that then GO BACK THERE! Because, unlike the limp cowards in the UK government, the Aussies AREN'T afraid to send people back to where they came from.

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