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Super Moderator
Apr 2, 2017
OK listen in all you legends of
@Bombardier has been able to get our site back, pending payment of fees from the server hosts. Said costs are over $3500USD per year

The server costs per year are beyond his ability to continue paying. TBH I never realised how much @Bombardier was financially contributing for what to him has been a labour of love. I could never have achieved what he has built and over such a long time (20+ years)

This is where the rubber meets the road gentlemen and ladies. We need funds urgently to enable this site to continue.

We are using the "Buy the team a beer" portal on the right hand side of the home pages. You will need to login to the full site to see it, it doesn't appear on the mobile or pad style screen.

Let's get moving lads. Any contribution, every dollar helps.

If you want this site to survive and continue to grow, put your hands in your pockets and pull out your plastic.

My heartfelt thanks to everyone in advance. Thank you brothers❤


PS is on Facebook also. Please consider registering there as that pages will be our RP should our efforts fail to save this site ?
The generosity and community spirit I have seen here is amazing and will keep things going for a few months until we can discuss in more depth a way forward to survive amongst all the tech giants who have little issue paying their fees.

I am working with the server to facilitate a cheaper package which I hope will ease the financial burden significantly and I will update you all when that has been ironed out.

I am going to streamline things a little too, this will be needed as a cheaper package will mean less disk space and bandwidth. I will be removing the reviews and resources section as to be honest they have not been used that much since their inception.

The galleries and forums will obviously stay put but some other tweaking around the place will have to happen and I will update as and when I make any changes.

I intend to create a forum specifically for all those who have donated so that I can appraise them of how the money they donate has/is being used, I will discuss this further the the moderators over the next few days.

I will also be creating a special banner for all those that have made donations from this period and onwards to thank them personally and so that all members know who you are, how much you support our site and how you have come to the forefront in such an awesome way. The banner will be displayed with your profile pics.

When I realised I had to close down the site I was truly mortified, after so much effort over the years and I have to confess, although I knew the support was there I had no idea how strongly you all felt about Mi.Net.

All the best
A very humbled Bombardier
You should be very proud, because creating a forum is not only technical issues but also creating a group of people who work for a common goal.
And You created it and kept it running for many, many years.
Done, and just a suggestion, once a month in the top forum place a reminder - or as a banner/pop-up?
Please dont be shy of asking for some $$ - for a good thing, people will pay!
Done, and just a suggestion, once a month in the top forum place a reminder - or as a banner/pop-up?
Please dont be shy of asking for some $$ - for a good thing, people will pay!
Ive been a passive reader for a long period of time - now I would really hate to see the site go. I registered here, created a paypal account and donated within a couple of min. , please folks just do it, there is so much crap out there that doesnt deserve the light of day, lets save this nugget!
I intend to create a forum specifically for all those who have donated so that I can appraise them of how the money they donate has/is being used, I will discuss this further the the moderators over the next few days.

From a personal point of view I'd say that's not necessary, wouldn't have been donating for a few years if I didn't trust you. Would go further to suggest that beyond a banner (Which I'm also not really bothered about) there should be no privileges of any kind for donors because first, it's not fair on people who legitimately can't donate and second, it heads off the likelihood of anyone thinking that because they've donated it gives them license to act like a jackass (The old "do you know how much I spend here?" syndrome that most of us have likely seen from some bonehead in the pub, at some point).
I have to agree with Gaz here.

Respect to anyone who has already donated a bit, yesterday and today - onwards but just like him and plenty others some of us have donated in the past. Quite a bit of money. These days are, as mentioned by many tight for us all and it’s tax season too.

I’m more than happy to financially contribute again in the future, but I don’t think we should differentiate those that spent some money before and those that did from now on.
From a personal point of view I'd say that's not necessary, wouldn't have been donating for a few years if I didn't trust you. Would go further to suggest that beyond a banner (Which I'm also not really bothered about) there should be no privileges of any kind for donors because first, it's not fair on people who legitimately can't donate and second, it heads off the likelihood of anyone thinking that because they've donated it gives them license to act like a jackass (The old "do you know how much I spend here?" syndrome that most of us have likely seen from some bonehead in the pub, at some point).
I agree with what @Gaz wrote
There is no need for a separate forum where settlements will be made. We trust.
And I don't care about the banner either, I prefer the work to witness my contribution.
From a personal point of view I'd say that's not necessary, wouldn't have been donating for a few years if I didn't trust you. Would go further to suggest that beyond a banner (Which I'm also not really bothered about) there should be no privileges of any kind for donors because first, it's not fair on people who legitimately can't donate and second, it heads off the likelihood of anyone thinking that because they've donated it gives them license to act like a jackass (The old "do you know how much I spend here?" syndrome that most of us have likely seen from some bonehead in the pub, at some point).
I am just happy to be able to do something to keep the whole shebang going.... well worth it.
From a personal point of view I'd say that's not necessary, wouldn't have been donating for a few years if I didn't trust you. Would go further to suggest that beyond a banner (Which I'm also not really bothered about) there should be no privileges of any kind for donors because first, it's not fair on people who legitimately can't donate and second, it heads off the likelihood of anyone thinking that because they've donated it gives them license to act like a jackass (The old "do you know how much I spend here?" syndrome that most of us have likely seen from some bonehead in the pub, at some point).
I agree, dont expect, or even want, an account of whats done, only expect the site to keep giving as previoiusly.
Again people I cannot thank you all enough. I am waiting for the server company to point me in the direction of a cheaper option, so we will see how far we can spread your valuable donations.

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