Photos Army 2015 Exhibition At Alabino, Russia


Mi Staff Sergeant
MI.Net Member
Sep 7, 2010

A notorious BUK missile launcher
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Looks like you had a ball, I would love to go one day
It was absolutely roasting that day, maybe 35 Degrees. We got the train to Alabino from Moscow area. It too around 45 minutes. The idea was buses took perople from the station to the showground about 10 km away. That broke down for a while due to a road accident somewhere so we queued for an hour and the sun was relentless. The place is vast so you need two days. Also the tank museum is in the town and that needs time too. The show ground also incorporates a lake and live firing area where displays of naval vessels was held and live firing tanks. It opens at 10 am so you have about 7 hours and its not enough time. You book in advance and get a digital code you present at the ticket hall , and that's how you get the pass. The best bit is it is free. It is in September this year. Easyjet has ceased flights to Moscow. Brussels airlines in probably best bet from UK, but SAS via Stockholm is good. Stockholm airport is the probem here - the staff are lazy.
My Russian wife calls it Alabino. It is Kubinka, Moscow Oblast/Region. (My Russian is lousy but reading Cyrillic not so bad) Here are more details from the entry card
It's Russian location is Park Patriot

Not so many years ago I doubt we would have got so close to Russian gear. Looks like a great place to go. Great photos mate
You can easily spend a week in Moscow doing all things military. Park Pobidy is the War Museum and fantastic. Direct Metro from Moscow. 2 museums there- the main is amazing but down below is the outdoor museum with trains, planes.tanks and vehicles from WW2. Then you need to do the Cosmonaut Museum at Prospekt Mir and spend a day in the park with the Aquarium too, and architecture of course. By the Aquarium you have real Soyuz space rocket and a couple of planes and the Burat shuttle. The Metro is like a palace and any Moscow Museum is fantastic. Pick your time. Best not winter but you maybe be lucky with weather and it could be above -10 and not snow before November.

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