* Do you need colored pencils to mark the objectives, sir?
* hey! you forgot to turn off the stove! When you come back you will have dinner made charcoal!
* Did I turn off the stove? If the Strömmingslådor my wife made me burns, it will kill me!
* They called us urgently, do you have a medical problem?

* Well...we didn't want to alarm anyone, but we have run out of Fika for our morning coffee and so the staff doesn't work in the same way...
* Has anyone reported a lack of Fika for morning coffee?

* Jesus Christ! what an excellent catering service!
* I love you very much too, Astrid!

* Jesus Christ! That is the signal to meet at this point, Harald! We already know how you feel about Astrid!
* Niklas! I told you a thousand times to check the snowmobile track!

* Shut up, Sven, and help me fix it!
* ...and remember, we left the snowmobiles hidden here, under this tree...
* Alvar, do you think they will discover us?

* I'll tell you what, Knut, if you keep talking so loudly, they'll see us from Stockholm!
* good morning! get up gentlemen! It's a good day to bathe with frozen water and make coffee with snow and Fika!