Photos From Korea to the Falkland Islands - colourised images of conflicts after World War II.

Royal Marines from 45 Commando about to yomp 56 miles across East Falklands in the hope of bagging-off two sisters.

Turns out the yomp was for "The Battle of Two Sisters" - a mountain ridge occupied by Argentinian 4th & 6th Infantry Regiments.

Despite the initial confusion, the Royal Marines were victorious.

Royal Marines from 45 Commando.jpg
U.S. 1st Division (Big Red One) Infantrymen, seeking out Viet Cong snipers firing at them, also Medic James E. Callahan trying to save the lives of his buddies in the midst of machine gun fire in Phuoc Vinh, north of Saigon in Vietnam's War Zone D, June 15, 1967.


Thirty-one men of the 1st Infantry Division were reported killed in the guerrilla ambush, with more than 100 wounded.
(AP Photo/Henri Huet)
Dirty and tired-looking US Sergeant in Korea takes a break - July 1950


LIFE Magazine Archives - Carl Mydans Photographer
Colorized by Reinaldo Elias

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