Photos Afghan Armed Forces (Prior to 2021)

Look at that picture FLYNAVY posted of the Hand of God Stuff........ Am I mistaken or does that mountainside to the left of the rock slide look like that very thing....... Notice the appearance of Jesus on the hillside, there's the pale skin face with a brown beard, then what looks like a crown of thorns on the head and then the body with a brown shawl or robe on looking to the left......I actually thought that's what he was referring to!!

DO YOU SEE IT??? Crazy huh!!
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Another demonstration against Pakistan, in daytime.
Bro Bro, I see you have a hard-on for America, just asking why, I mean I think the Philipines are beautiful people. Just asking why.
Cause it's a thread about Afghanistan and the recent adventurer is the US. Why would I talk about Philippines in this thread? Or any other country aside from those involved for that matter? If you see the "Trump" deal you have to be in serious denial if you do not see it as them reading the future and basically telling the Taliban that they will be in charge after.

I actually can't wait for the topic to evolve into the next adventurer which is China. Theres another healthy conversation.

So much for the Cub of Panjshir Valley.... nice effort but the result was as expected.
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Taliban invited China, Russia, Turkey, Iran, Qatar and Pakistan to the announcement of the new Afghan government.

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The organizer of a private mission to rescue an American mom and her 3 children from Afghanistan says the U.S. State Department is now trying to insert itself into the story of her evacuation, despite playing little to no role in the rescue effort.

Don't vet anybody, pack as much as possible for the sake of "big numbers good", dump the undesirable in a country far away to get rid of the problem.
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When life is comfy, you can play funny games in international politics and call each other names.
When S**t hits the fan though, don't expect help.

G7 countries invite Russia & China for joint meeting on Afghanistan, Tokyo reveals, but Moscow bemoans lack of clarity from group

The spokeswoman for Russia’s Foreign Ministry has asked the G7 political forum to clear up “what they want from themselves and the world around them” after Moscow was approached to join a meeting on the situation in Afghanistan.
Maria Zakharova was speaking to the TASS news agency after Japanese Foreign Minister Toshimitsu Motegi told a TV program that the G7 foreign ministers would be meeting with their counterparts from China and Russia on September 8 to discuss a joint response to the crisis prompted by the American withdrawal from Kabul.

The G7 is a regular meeting of seven of the world’s wealthiest so-called liberal democracies. Japan is the only member of the group outside of Europe and North America. Russia was a member of the organisation, as part of the then-G8, before it was excluded in 2014 following the re-absorption of Crimea.

According to Zakharova, Moscow has received word from Paris and Berlin regarding a meeting on Afghanistan, but there has been no talk of holding it in the G7 format.

“All this is happening against the backdrop of the G7’s scattered statements on Russia and its participation or non-participation in the format,” Zakharova said. “The partners clearly lack an understanding of what they want from themselves and the world around them.”

"The remains of the CIA base in contrast was, probably destroyed before left."

It tells you something................They knew what was coming for sure and therefore what needed to be done!!
Or they had actual plans for a wide range of scenarios. Considering how deep the democrats have their fist lodged up the CIA's bum you'd imagine some of it would rub off, but nope. Can't teach someone who can't tell what day of the week it is.

Numbers update:
Since the fall of Kabul the Dutch government has evacuated the following people:

- 708 Dutch nationals*
- 371 interpreters
- 211 embassy staff
- 64 people who worked for the EU, NATO or UN
- 319 who rendered other services to Dutch nationals such as journalists and NGOs

Amounting to 1673 individuals. No mention of relatives so I think they were part of a previously mentioned figure of roughly 2400 unless that figure included non-Dutch or non-Afghan foreign nationals. Or they were excluded entirely for political reasons as the government has a habit of hiding numbers that prove their own policies as counter productive.

The previous number of 13,000 individual assylum requests from people claiming to have worked for the Dutch government has risen to nearly 41,000.

* This includes both passport holders and registered refugees, many of whom went to Afghanistan on holiday. Registered refugees are banned from travelling back to the country they fled from. If they do travel back the law states their refugee status must be repealed, but we all know that's never going to happen. The law is only applied when it doesn't affect your own constituents.
We have no border with them so whose (bigger) problem is that now? You'll see it the next years depending on which actors might want to engage with which goals :)

As long as you have such different foreign actors meddling there its going to stay like that.

Russia and China neither manage to control parts of their own territory in a benign in cooperative way. Only by heavy repression and population exchange.

Whats their plan for Afghanistan again except of bribing some factions? Build roads and bridges with thousands of foreign workers?

Heck their ally Pakistan is also deeply involved there and not for good you can believe me.
We have no border with them so whose (bigger) problem is that now? You'll see it the next years depending on which actors might want to engage with which goals :)

As long as you have such different foreign actors meddling there its going to stay like that.

Russia and China neither manage to control parts of their own territory in a benign in cooperative way. Only by heavy repression and population exchange.

Whats their plan for Afghanistan again except of bribing some factions? Build roads and bridges with thousands of foreign workers?

Heck their ally Pakistan is also deeply involved there and not for good you can believe me.

This was last said in American politics and society in the 1930s. We know the result. Now the US has brought together an Islamist bloc from the Hindu Kush to the Mediterranean. Who can't wait to slit each other's throats. And in the background, China is pouring gasoline on the fires, and Moscow is trying to stir the S**t... But it's none of your business... Oh santa simplicitas...

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