Photos Afghan Armed Forces (Prior to 2021)

Skynews just announced we bombed somebody in Afghanistan!

Sounds like a drone strike which reportedly killed one ISIS.

As an Officer in the military we are all held to a specific chain of command. Unless your orders are illegal or immoral you are duty bound to carry them out. You can always stretch an order if it's going to put your guys in danger but you may get gigged for it. If you don't like how your leaders are running things then resign your commission & speak as a civilian, run for political office & change things. Lastly......17 years of service, 3 years from a pension, kinda a dick move for his family.
I agree. The Lt Col. did what he did and he knew the price he was going to pay.
Choice between loyalty to family or to comrades in arms is a tough call, hopefully his family will stand by him.
I took an oath to Danmarks Riges Grundlov Constitutional Monarchy as well as the US Constitution during my undergrad education & USN service. Both constitutions are set up with a civilian government leading the military. That's never going to change & you understand how it's going to work going into service. Have I had bad leadership during service, yeah a few lazy one's or negligent shirking of duty but you suck it up & come up with work arounds to run your ops & look out for your people until the bad one's are weeded out. Military service & owning a buttload of land pretty much guarantees you an election to Parliament & maybe one day if the skeletons in my closet are few I'll consider it but for now I try to follow all legal orders because they let me fly things & blow stuff up & pay me well for it. Weekends & holidays off would be a nice perk, haha.

Bus traffic is still working this morning @ the north military gate. We are given 1 manifest passenger copy of the American & British citizens names to check off, we don't know where they are living or how they are notified where to rally only the rally point & gather signal & codes & that manifest of passengers is returned to the sponsoring Country. We will all do this as long as we can. It's a very good system. Coms are good. Hearing some wild stories around of civilian run operations doing fantastic work getting people out. Will probably make a good script for a movie one day.
Hunter Lopez KIA 1/15/1999 - 8/26/2021

You used Fox news as a reference to how people feel in the US right now. I would avoid Fox news as its an echo chamber or fear mongering and hate. I would put money on more anger from Americans if another person of color dies in the hands of the police, than what is happening in Afghanistan right now.

Hell, I bet some people will see this as Biden Strong! Standing up to Americas military industrial complex.

In other words, Afghanistan is a footnote and Americans dont care about it as much as what Fox is trying to portray.

I didn't figure you as a lefty.
My grandfather kept repeating this proverb, haha. He told me too: "A communist and a member of the communist party are different terms."

In fact, life in Russia is pretty bearable now. As in an ordinary capitalist country. Only there is a nice bonus - social guarantees left over from the USSR (like free kindergartens, schools, colleges and universities, free doctors and others). I cannot say that I support Putin's policy, I have other political views. But now you at least can safely walk on the street without risking being killed or robbed (as under Yeltsin).
I think nothing beats the nightmare of the 1990s.
dude, you will be all right. this war is garbage. Stay focused.
The result of a US air strike on the IS planner. According to American data, the organizer of the terrorist attacks has been eliminated.
US airstrike IS.jpg
Back to old ways.
Yesterday, after Friday prayers, the Taliban destroyed alcohol seized from the residence of the former governor of Samangan.
Taliban destroyed alcohol governor Samangan.jpg

The Taliban continue to fight cultural excesses. In this case, among the Hazaras.
taliban destroy statue.jpg
I disagree. Rendering opinions is a big part of what we do around here.
Feel free to disagree. And feel free to be a little less repetitive in your very outspoken opinions.
Honestly the fact that the US state department said the Taliban and Haqqani network are different entities probably tells us a lot about the planning for the withdrawal.

It also raises question as to who they really hit with that drone strike.

They haven't been able to organize and plan anything from A to Z, they managed to get more Afghans out than US citizens, current SF, former SF and groups of veterans went out of their way to organize unsanctioned rescue operations.

And yet, two days after the attack on the airport, they manage to find who the planner was? Though up until recently they were claiming AQ and ISIS-K were not operating in Afghanistan anymore?

As for the USMC LTCOL, though his rant had legitimacy and was fundamentally right, when you join the armed forces you pretty much give up on most of rights. The 1rst amendment being one of them.
He was right in what he said, the fact he said it knowing the repercussions is commendable (afterall he just got discharged, he is still alive and can still find a job).

On the other hand, Vindman was promoted for his act and personnel across the federal govt were encouraged & rewarded for insubordination from 2016-20.
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And yet, two days after the attack on the airport, they manage to find who the planner was?

They say now that the "planner" killed was not involved in the airport attack but was planning future attacks.

and, as @Chazman said before, they started to rehabilitate Biden image.

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