Photos Aussies and Kiwi's in Vietnam

21 August 1969. Diggers of 4th Battalion, The Royal Australian Regiment - New Zealand (Anzac) (4RAR - NZ (Anzac)) operating in and around Fire Support Base Betty along with the diggers of 104 Battery, Royal Australian Artillery guns firing day and night, the mortars are seen, Kiwis ambushing, the construction of an observation tower, Support Company and the tracker dogs, Administration Company and C Company are represented, the diggers getting a shower from the mobile shower unit, the set ends at Nui Dat with the farewell concert and the farewell memorial service with the Padres.

Smoking out the spiders from a mortar protection pit, Nui Dat Hill. Photo supplied by Ned Tindale [1966]

Mozzie Fogger in the 103 Sig Sqn lines, Nui Dat. Photo supplied by Ned Tindale [1966]

Ned Tindale at the 16 x 16 tent detachment home on VC Hill, Vung Tau. The tent was adjacent to the AN/MRC-69 Radio Relay Shelter. Photo supplied by Ned Tindale [1966]

21 August 1969. Diggers of 4th Battalion, The Royal Australian Regiment - New Zealand (Anzac) (4RAR - NZ (Anzac)) operating in and around Fire Support Base Betty along with the diggers of 104 Battery, Royal Australian Artillery guns firing day and night, the mortars are seen, Kiwis ambushing, the construction of an observation tower, Support Company and the tracker dogs, Administration Company and C Company are represented, the diggers getting a shower from the mobile shower unit, the set ends at Nui Dat with the farewell concert and the farewell memorial service with the Padres.

21 August 1969. Diggers of 4th Battalion, The Royal Australian Regiment - New Zealand (Anzac) (4RAR - NZ (Anzac)) operating in and around Fire Support Base Betty along with the diggers of 104 Battery, Royal Australian Artillery guns firing day and night, the mortars are seen, Kiwis ambushing, the construction of an observation tower, Support Company and the tracker dogs, Administration Company and C Company are represented, the diggers getting a shower from the mobile shower unit, the set ends at Nui Dat with the farewell concert and the farewell memorial service with the Padres.

21 August 1969. Diggers of 4th Battalion, The Royal Australian Regiment - New Zealand (Anzac) (4RAR - NZ (Anzac)) operating in and around Fire Support Base Betty along with the diggers of 104 Battery, Royal Australian Artillery guns firing day and night, the mortars are seen, Kiwis ambushing, the construction of an observation tower, Support Company and the tracker dogs, Administration Company and C Company are represented, the diggers getting a shower from the mobile shower unit, the set ends at Nui Dat with the farewell concert and the farewell memorial service with the Padres.

21 August 1969. Diggers of 4th Battalion, The Royal Australian Regiment - New Zealand (Anzac) (4RAR - NZ (Anzac)) operating in and around Fire Support Base Betty along with the diggers of 104 Battery, Royal Australian Artillery guns firing day and night, the mortars are seen, Kiwis ambushing, the construction of an observation tower, Support Company and the tracker dogs, Administration Company and C Company are represented, the diggers getting a shower from the mobile shower unit, the set ends at Nui Dat with the farewell concert and the farewell memorial service with the Padres.

21 August 1969. Diggers of 4th Battalion, The Royal Australian Regiment - New Zealand (Anzac) (4RAR - NZ (Anzac)) operating in and around Fire Support Base Betty along with the diggers of 104 Battery, Royal Australian Artillery guns firing day and night, the mortars are seen, Kiwis ambushing, the construction of an observation tower, Support Company and the tracker dogs, Administration Company and C Company are represented, the diggers getting a shower from the mobile shower unit, the set ends at Nui Dat with the farewell concert and the farewell memorial service with the Padres.

21 August 1969. Diggers of 4th Battalion, The Royal Australian Regiment - New Zealand (Anzac) (4RAR - NZ (Anzac)) operating in and around Fire Support Base Betty along with the diggers of 104 Battery, Royal Australian Artillery guns firing day and night, the mortars are seen, Kiwis ambushing, the construction of an observation tower, Support Company and the tracker dogs, Administration Company and C Company are represented, the diggers getting a shower from the mobile shower unit, the set ends at Nui Dat with the farewell concert and the farewell memorial service with the Padres.

Nui Dat, Vietnam. 1967-10. Clerks with 7th Battalion, The Royal Australian Regiment (7RAR), Brigade Headquarters, decided to make their Orderly Room as pleasant as possible for their twelve month tour in South Vietnam. When Private (Pte) Clive Tucker of Leichhardt, NSW, a National Serviceman, who was a commercial artist before call-up, arrived he was put to work with his brush. In a few days he turned the office into an Australian outback panorama of Witchety and his Tribe. Pte Tucker is seen here touching up one of his murals.

Nui Dat, Vietnam. 1967-10. Clerks with 7th Battalion, The Royal Australian Regiment (7RAR), Brigade Headquarters, decided to make their Orderly Room as pleasant as possible for their twelve month tour in South Vietnam. When Private (Pte) Clive Tucker of Leichhardt, NSW, a National Serviceman, who was a commercial artist before call-up, arrived he was put to work with his brush. In a few days he turned the office into an Australian outback panorama of Witchety and his Tribe. Pte Tucker is seen here touching up one of his murals.

Nui Dat, Vietnam. 1967-10. While on tour visiting Australian units in Phuoc Tuy Province, the Controller of Army Pay Accounts, Mr A. M. Turpin of Glenroy, Vic, gave some expert advice at a pay parade held by 4th Field Regiment, Royal Australian Artiller (RAA). Lance Bombardier C. Albrighton of Ayre, Qld, asked Mr Turpin a question, while the pay officer, 2nd Lieutenant G. Bryant of Dapto, NSW, and pay sergeant Staff Sergeant D. Bates of Warrnambool, Vic, look on.

Nui Dat, South Vietnam. 1968-04. A memorial to soldiers of 7th Battalion, The Royal Australian Regiment (7RAR), built by members of the Battalion in blue-grey local stone at Battalion Headquarters. The small cairn bears a brass plaque reading, `In memory of soldiers of the 7th Battalion, 7RAR, who made the supreme sacrifice - Vietnam - 1967-1968. Lest We Forget'. Brass plaques carrying the names of the sixteen members of the Battalion who were killed in action in Vietnam were to be mounted on pews in the small chapel at 7th Battalion Headquarters.

Nui Dat, South Vietnam. 1968-04. The Commander of the 1st Australian Task Force (1ATF) Brigadier R. L. Hughes of Stafford Heights, Qld, unveils a memorial plaque in honour of gunners of the 4th Field Regiment, Royal Australian Artillery (RAA), killed in action in Vietnam. The brass plaque, on the small white painted memorial reads: `In memory to the officers and men of 4th Field Regiment RAA who gave their lives in Vietnam, 1967-68'. Note troops in background on parade.

Nui Dat, Phuoc Tuy Province, South Vietnam. 1968-04. The Commander, 1st Australian Task Force (1ATF), Brigadier Ron Hughes of Stafford Heights, Qld (left), presents a dart shield, donated by the Queensland Darts Association, to Corporal (Cpl) G. Priestly of Holsworthy, NSW (right). Cpl Priestly accepted the shield on behalf of the Headquarters 1ATF team, which won the competition that was conducted between teams within the Australian Task Force area. Looking on are Private K. Keliher of Gympie, Qld (centre left), and Sergeant H. Dighton of Rydalmere, NSW.

1967. Diggers from the Seventh Battalion, Royal Australian Regiment (7RAR) move out to board a RAAF Iroquois chopper from No 9 Squadron (Sqn) during a search and destroy operation in Phuoc Tuy Province. The helicopters of No 9 Sqn, based at Vung Tau and commanded by Squadron Leader Peter Reed, support the operations of the First Australian Task Force based at Nui Dat.

1970. Nui Dat, South Vietnam. February 1970. The Tiger Battalion, 5th Battalion, The Royal Australian Regiment (5RAR), remembers fallen comrades at a memorial parade. The Commanding Officer, Lieutenant Colonel Colin Khan of Woollahra, NSW, is framed against a steel sword set in concrete which is a memorial to the unit's dead. The service, part of 5RAR's farewell parade, was held just before the Battalion left for Australia aboard HMAS Sydney. During its tour of duty 5RAR lost twenty five soldiers but killed 353 enemy: a ratio of fourteen to one.

1970. Nui Dat, South Vietnam. March 1970. The 1st Field Regiment, Royal Australian Artillery, after its second tour of duty in South Vietnam, was relieved by the 4th Field Regiment, commencing its second tour of duty in the war zone. The two regiments held a ceremonial parade at 1st Australian Task Force (1ATF) to mark the changeover. The Regimental sign is being altered to reflect the changeover.

Nui Dat, South Vietnam. August 1970. Sergeant (Sgt) Frank Johnson of Mornington, Vic (right), hands a letter to Lance Corporal Anthony Goodey of Claremont, Tas, the medic for the sergeant's platoon, the Defence and Employment Platoon at Headquarters 1st Australian Task Force (1ATF). The letter was one of six which Australian girls wrote to Sgt Johnson after his picture Jon/70/0368/vn appeared in newspapers with a python snake which his platoon captured. The girls requested pen-friends, and Sgt Johnson handed the letters out to the soldiers in his platoon for reply.


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