Photos Navies Of All Nations


RFS 368 'Vasiliy Bykov', a patrol ship of project 22160 and RFS 584 Odintsovo, a missile corvette of the project 22800 Karakurt-E




Project 641/Foxtrot class SSK B-840 returning from a 7.5 month combat service under a command of Commander V.V Slyushchenko to the 12th pier of the Liepaja submarine base on 02/12/1989. Photos by Vladimir Sozonov & Marat Golimov.

According to U.S. Naval Institute, by the end of WWII, American industrial might and the need to fight on two fronts resulted in the U.S. Navy having a greater tonnage of combatant ships than all other navies combined. In 1947, the U.S. had 3,820,000 tons versus the world's combined 2,860,000 tons.

  • United States (3,415,893)
  • Russia (845,730)
  • China (708,886)
  • Japan (413,800)
  • United Kingdom (367,850)
  • France (319,195)
  • India (317,725)
  • South Korea (178,710)
  • Italy (173,549)
  • Taiwan (151,662)
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According to U.S. Naval Institute, by the end of WWII, American industrial might and the need to fight on two fronts resulted in the U.S. Navy having a greater tonnage of combatant ships than all other navies combined. In 1947, the U.S. had 3,820,000 tons versus the world's combined 2,860,000 tons.

This photo is Naval Station San Diego about 1947-49....That's a lot of steel!
Battleship Dunkerque turret under construction in Brest, 1935

Battleship Richelieu, 1953 after her major refit at Brest (1 January 1950 to 24 October 1951).
On November 25, 1941 at 4:25 pm, while sailing to cover an attack on Italian convoys with sister-ships Queen Elizabeth and Valiant, along with eight destroyers, 90 miles North-East of Sallum, Egypt. Barham was hit by 3 torpedoes from the German submarine U-331, commanded by Hans-Dietrich von Tiesenhausen. The torpedoes were fired from a range of only 750 yards which provided no time for Barham to take evasive action, and all of them struck so closely together that they threw up a single column of water. Leading Telegraphist A. R. Bacon remained at his station following the attack to alert the accompanying RN ships to the presence of U-331 in the waters around the convoy, this would greatly help with the search and rescue efforts later. As Barham rolled over to port, her magazines exploded and she sank quickly with the loss of 861 men out of a crew of 1,184 officers and men. 450 survivors of Barham were rescued by the other British ships that had been sailing with her. The explosion on Barham was caught on camera by Gaumont News camaraman John Turner, who was on the deck of the nearby Valiant.
Remains of an M-type minesweeper, battered by Allied destroyer and aircraft at Bele des Anges off Brittany Coast, September 1944.
Aircraft carrier HMS Glorious is inspected by her crew after collision with French ocean liner Florida. East of Gibraltar, April 02, 1931.

Shortly after 9:00 a.m., on April 1, 1931, the slightly more than one year old British aircraft carrier, HMS Glorious, left Gibraltar with her attendant vessels to conduct operations with her air wing. The twin funneled, three year old French liner Florida of Societe Generale de Transport Maritime a Vapeur was returning to Genoa from Buenos Aires. Passengers on the Florida delighted in watching the maneuvering warships. At times, the intermittent fog would shroud one or the other vessels.
The Glorious had seventeen Fairey Flycatcher aircraft in the air with her escorts deployed on station around her when she entered one fogbank at about thirty knots. The Uruguayan consul in Malaga, Don Victor Barros, was a passenger on the Florida. “I was watching the British Fleet at maneuvers as we steamed along through patches of drifting fog. It was possible to see some of the ships quite plainly, and the Glorious was evidently calling her aircraft in. Four planes were about to alight, and the Glorious drew away from the remainder of the fleet, tearing along at about thirty miles an hour to allow them to land on her deck.” On the Glorious’ bridge was her captain, forty six year old Charles Kennedy-Purvis, who already had nine years seniority as a captain. Early press reports list her captain as D.F. Moir.
The initial attempts by the Glorious to obtain optimum conditions for landing her aircraft started to come apart. Had she completed her turns to facilitate the landing, she would have endangered her escorting cruisers. She maintained course and they steamed right into the fog. Kennedy-Purvis had every reason to be confident in the skills of captains of his escorts, and their ability to maintain station. The joker in the deck was the Florida.
In the fog, her aircraft had to defer landing until conditions cleared, so they circled above. The Daily Mail wrote, “Looking below, the pilots saw that their parent ship had steamed at high speed into the low bank of fog, above the top of which they could see moving the black tip of her mast. Almost immediately the pilots noticed the mast of another ship break through the white carpet covering the sea.
“Their quick eyes, used to following the movements of ships beneath them, foresaw the danger. Leaning out of their cockpit, they followed the course of those little black sticks of masts. There was no doubt that a collision was imminent. Instantly, their fingers flew to the keys of their radio sets, but it was too late. It was like shouting across a greasy Broadway to prevent two automobiles from colliding.” One pilot claimed that he heard the collision.
Barros continued his account from the Florida. “After my first glimpse, however, the fog hid the Glorious until, suddenly, she loomed right over us, crashing into us near the bow. From where I was standing in the doorway of a deck-cabin, I was hurled headlong overboard into the sea, and drowning must have been the fate of many, for I was in the water in a dazed condition for twenty minutes before a cutter from the Glorious rescued me. Not until I was aboard the warship did I realize the extent of the disaster.”
In a matter of seconds, the 18,000 ton Glorious went from thirty knots to a complete stop, deep in the port side of the Florida, immediately forward of her bridge. Chaos prevailed on the Florida. Falling deck cargo, largely crates of bananas, killed some; others were butchered by flying steel from the ships’ sides, making their bodies unrecognizable. Eight passengers were missing, believed to have fallen through holes in the Florida’s side, or jumped into the sea in panic. The death toll was 33; thirty one passengers and one crewman on the Florida and one crewman on the Glorious. Ironically, the crewman on the Florida was her radio operator, Francisco Montes, who had earlier bought a zinc-lined coffin so his body could be transported back for burial in Marseilles some day; that day was earlier than he expected. The line complied with his wishes.
On board Glorious, one crewman, Seaman Ernest John Bicker, was killed, and later buried with honors at Gibraltar on April 3. Rather than pull out of the Florida’s side, Kennedy-Purvis kept the Glorious imbedded in the Florida’s side, and the two crews improvised gangways between the two ships which allowed more than 500 passengers from the Florida to cross to the Glorious. Once the Florida had her pumps going and mats over some of the holes in her side, the Glorious slowly backed out, and took the Florida in tow, despite having lost much of her bow.
Unable to land her planes, the Glorious ordered them to fly to the Malaga aerodrome. Four were unable to reach the shore, thirty miles away, and ditched at sea, their crews rescued by escorting destroyers. Eventually, the towing duties were delegated to some of her escorts.
The Florida’s passengers were trans-shipped to the Gouverneur General Laferierre, which had been diverted from her normal, Oran-Marseilles voyage. The Florida herself was made seaworthy and returned to Marseilles for repairs. During World War Two, she was sunk at Bone by Axis aircraft; raised in 1944, she was reconditioned and emerged with one funnel after her refit in 1948. In 1955, she went to Siosa Lines as the Ascania, and was scrapped in Italy in 1968.
The Glorious received temporary repairs at Gibraltar before sailing to Malta for permanent repairs, which were completed by September 21, 1931. In 1940, she was sunk under odd circumstances by the German battleships Scharnhorst and Gneisenau. Her captain is widely believed to have been, not of sound mind at the time of her sinking. He was speeding back to the UK to court martial her air officer, J B Heath, who had been one of the fliers circling over the Glorious the day of the collision. The Royal Navy's findings will be classified until 2040.
From July 12 through July 18, Mr Justice Bateman of the Admiralty Division investigated the collision. He divided the blame between the two ships, two thirds of the blame to the Florida, and one third to Glorious. This decision was upheld on appeal in December.
Kenedy-Purvis went on to a distinguished career. From 1935 to 1938, as a rear admiral, he commanded the First Cruiser Squadron in the Mediterranean Fleet; from 1938 to 1940, he was the President of the Royal Naval College, Greenwich; as a vice admiral, he was Commander in Chief of the American and West Indies Station from 1940 to 1942, in which capacity he oversaw the transfer of many British bases to the US; he was promoted to admiral on February 16, 1942, and served as Deputy First Sea Lord from July 29, 1942 through the end of the war, leaving the post in 1946.
Before her conversion to an aircraft carrier, the Glorious was a “large light cruiser.”
France, USN, Italy, Belgium, Greece:
FS Charles de Gaulle carrier strike group

Strike Group composition:

  • Aircraft carrier Charles de Gaulle (R-91) (Middle)
  • FREMM ITS Carlo Margottini (F-592) (bottom left of carrier)
  • FREMM FS Provence (D-652) (top right of carrier)
  • Air Defence Destroyer FS Chevalier Paul (D-621) (bottom right of carrier)
  • Command and refuelling vessel (BCR) Var (A-608) (not seen)
  • A nuclear-powered attack submarine (SSN) (not seen)
  • Belgian frigate BNS Leopold I (F-930) (leading formation)
  • Greek frigate HS Kanaris (F-464) (top left of carrier)
  • U.S. Navy Arleigh Burke-class destroyer USS Porter (DDG-78) (trailing formation)

The last-ever Imperial Japanese fleet review with 98 ships present was dedicated to the 2600th anniversary of Emperor Jimmu’s enthronement. Off Yokosuka, October 11, 1940.
Fletcher class destroyer, museum ship The Sullivans, at risk of sinking due to hull damage, February 2021
It is a centerpiece of the largest inland naval museum in the country, and now the elements have pushed USS The Sullivans to the brink of sinking.
The 78-year-old Fletcher-Class destroyer is taking on water through several leaks and listing noticeably to its port side.
The Buffalo and Erie County Naval & Military Park is using pumps to remove water from the ship. However, they are struggling to keep up, and more damage could occur, says park president and CEO Paul Marzello.

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