Photos Photos of the US Army in the ETO

American crew members of M4A1 76W and an M4A3E2 Jumbo tank, 3rd Armored Division, covered in a wooded area during a break. Belgium, Jan 1945.

B-24D 41-11613 "The Blue Streak" of 514th BS, 376th BG, 9th AF. Originally named "Florine Ju Ju" then 'Teggie Ann'. The aircraft was a veteran of the first high level Ploesti mission in 1942, but not part of the 1943 low level raid. The A/C went on to survive 110 missions with the 376th bomb group and was sent home for a war bond
The aircraft was a veteran of the first high level Ploesti mission in 1942 but not part of the 1943 low level raid. The last 10 missions of the Blue Streak were piloted by Captain Melvin H. McClain from Bend, Oregon.
She survived 19 months of battle overseas, and 1,058 combat hours. Her scoreboard reads one destroyer, one merchant vessel, one tanker, and 23 enemy aircraft destroyed. She dropped 297 tons of bombs, and never lost a man. The ship required 19 engines, two new wings, one new rudder, and many aluminum patches during her career.
Image and caption thanks to americanairmuseum. com

A U.S. Army soldier of the 90th Infantry Division checks the identity papers of a young German POW as another wounded German POW supplies necessary information for his identity papers following their capture at Omaha Beach after the Allied Normandy landings. 9 June 1944.

A captured Wehrmacht soldier identifies an SS trooper as one those who shot US Army prisoners in Malmedy, Belgium, during the “Battle of the Bulge”. These men were captured by the 3rd US Army near Passau, Germany.1945.

Pictures taken by a Staff Sergeant of the 575th Anti Aircraft Artillery Battalion, attached to the 11th Armored division.

The Bailey bridge was on the Rhine, near Oppenheim. The Concentration Camp being liberated is Mauthausen.


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US M8 Scout Car, from the 28th Mecz Rcn Sqdr. of the 28th Infantry Division, on parade on the Champs Elysées, Paris. 29th of August 1944.


Another picture of GIs from the "Bloody Bucket" Division on the Champs Elysées.

Men of the Army's 3rd Infantry Division marching through Nuremberg during WW2's conclusion 1945, This city was in complete shambles following air bombardment and eventually combat later hosting ex Nazi war criminals tried for their crimes here.

In a highly symbolic gesture for the camera, a US M5A1 light tank drives over a long Nazi banner laid out on the cobbled road as it passes through the town of Lembach in the Bas-Rhin region, March 1945.

Drawing on a cigarette, an understandably tense-looking GI hunkers down in a fox-hole beneath the cover provided by a hedgerow during the Battle of the Bulge, December 1944.
He is armed with an M3 Grease Gun.
(LIFE / Florea)

"American Red Cross Clubmobile girls on duty with forward troops here have a little jive session 'front line' style," read the notes on this American Red Cross photo, a gift to National Geographic in 1945. "Alice Felty, Faith, South Dakota, is dancing with armed and steel helmeted Pfc. Sam D. T. Coats, Raleigh, N.C. The victrola is blasting away atop a brace of gasoline cans."
Clubmobiles visited camps and airfields across the Allied front. Each one held three female volunteers, a built-in doughnut maker, 50-cup coffee urns, paperback books, and the latest records.

US Personnel sweep for mines in front of a damaged Sherman near Chartres France in August 1944
Chartres was liberated on August 18, 1944, by the U.S. 5th Infantry and 7th Armored Division belonging to the XX Corps of the U.S. 3rd Army
LIFE Magazine Archives - Ralph Morse Photographer

Signal Corps Photo SC186446-1.
“Members of a mortar crew fire at a German observation post across the Roer River. Company “B”, 86th Chemical Battalion, 121st Infantry Regiment, 8th Infantry Division.” December 7th 1944, Brandenburg, Germany.

10 March 1945: Technical Sergeant William E. Thomas and Private First Class Joseph Jackson prepared a gift of special “Easter Eggs” for Adolph Hitler and the German Army. Scrawling such messages on artillery shells in World War II was one way in which artillery soldiers could humorously express their dislike of the enemy.

Colourised image: © A Colourful History by HW


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