Photos Your latest or Notable purchases

Are you eventually going to get around to using all this camera gear Colin......your pics have just dried up mate....."Come on man" ???
You need to get busy lad!!!

He is busy, he does prep tasty looking (for Scotland that is ;) ) plates over there.
His pictures usually are great. Any man has got to have a hobby or three.
Are you eventually going to get around to using all this camera gear Colin......your pics have just dried up mate....."Come on man" ???
You need to get busy lad!!!
32mp jpeg are too big to upload

Also it takes around 40mins to process a RAW Capture due to my Very slow PC ...

Weather has been crap most days and some days an just exhausted due to work , Only been out once in the last 2 weeks
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My pick ups at a Collectors Fair in Targu Mures on Saturday 25. 02. 2023.
For me it was a better day selling than buying.

1 - France - Medal of Merit for Labor Class II in Silver, named and dated to 1930.
First emission was back in the 1860's and its been around in one form or another, I like the design, particularly of the front
and though not military think I will try to get at least one version of each design as and when I come across them.

2 - Romanian Communist RPR 1962. Medal for the collectivization of Agriculture, in reality forced collectivization it was not viewed favorably by many small farmers but the "Party" always gets its way, in particular as the farming community were viewed with suspicion because they had a very strong independent nature and were by tradition non-conformist.
The medal was also awarded to the military who were involved in enforcing the project, transporting and moving people, animals, produce etc..etc..

3 - Unknown sports medal that came with number 2. Interesting ribbon colors as Black/Green/Red as viewed from right to left are the National colors of Afghanistan, but I do not believe the medal to have a connection with there.
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New Gloves for camera use , Boots and New Jacket A Patagonia brand which has a inner fleece which can be removed and a Nebo light which could come in handy for Night Captures
Love to watch Black Adder, just insane comedy. My favorite was when he overslept and missed the big battle, so he jumped up and rode out to the battle grounds and he saw an enemy in armor and he sneaked up on him and lobbed his head off. Heh it was the Kings Head hah hah
On topic of notable purchases I just ordered a new processor and video card. Long story involved dating back 6 months ago when my fast machine just up and died on me. It was a good used motherboard and lots of memory but I only used the machine a few times after building it so I could run some newer game software that had high system requirements. I finally bumped the Bar and bought Steel Beast PE and it ran fine on the machine. One day I turned it on and plugged in a new joystick to do some target practice on steel beast and the machine no longer recognized the joystick. To shorten the story in the end I lost all my USB sticks I plugged in, two new joysticks and finally it stopped booting completely,. all of that without any type of warning or system screen alarms.

Laid the thing over and opened it up to do some deep searching. I had put a nice dual tower and fan cooling tower on to make sure anything I ran would run without overheating if I should find a reason to overclock which I never did the machine did not need it to do what I was doing daily. So in the process of tearing everything down I removed that huge fan system off the CPU and when I raised the CPU one entire row of pins on the left side of the socket were all laid over. I had never had the CPU off the board because it arrived already plugged in and ready to boot. So it appears the seller probably knew there was going to be trouble but it was 50 dollars for a high dollar ASUS MB and full house of RAM. The bios was already set and it actually booted right up. I did have a couple black screen issues and read up on windows 10 to stop those and it did stop. It was totally normal until something shorted out on the pins no doubt.

Ordered new all AMD stuff new board and new processor and ram and even a new PSU. When the new motherboard arrived it was a AsRock B550 and DOA. Another lost month waiting for replacement and finally after the delays they say they stopped selling the board and made a full refund. I had already searched for another better board and decided on an msi B550 and it arrived and at the time I did not have the new processor, but I used a new AMD and the RAM I already had in another new build, I have two twins built last year. So it ran just fine and all I had to do was reinstall win 10 to clean up some things. It is now running the same hardware and works great. The new processor arrived along with the good RAM and I stuck it in the machine it booted up fine and I set bios and started trying to use the machine and all of a sudden I get these time out errors and black screen. I worked two weeks trying to nail down what ever the problem might be and with all the information on the internet with the same complaints I finally nailed down a faulty processor without any help or advice from AMD. I was lucky because I had extra new processors and 3 identical video cards all new stuff extremely un used since I finished building them. In my testing I tried using one stick of ram in the machine and the same errors kept returning black screen etc etc. I remove the video card and pulled another from another new build and slid it in and that card for some strange reason was dead. I removed it not sure if it was bad or not but this was not the card installed in this other machine so I pulled the twin card form the other machine slid it in and the computer threw same errors and the only conclusion was that the CPU was definitely bad.

This is the end of the story for now, ordering the new CPU replaced and got my full refund on this last bad CPU. I ordered a new video card same specs and name brand and the new faster processor that I had bought the new board and RAM for. I won't know for sure that it is fixed until next week when the two items arrive. Strange twist because this processor return should have been just replaced but they wasted two weeks more of my time before saying they were refunding the full amount. They did promptly and soon as the money hit my account I bought from amazon. There was still the matter of the postage I had to pay getting the bad CPU back to Ca, it was only 15.06 so I got on chat and told them they still owed me the postage and I had already prepared a print of the post office payment. It too was promptly placed into my account. In closing the person on chat offered me a 10 dollar off any purchase if I would still shop with them and I just politely said thanks but no thanks.

They wasted all my time and if all is well next week it will be approaching a full six months waiting to use this machine again but faster. I still have the dead computer because I pulled parts from it just to diagnose a problem. So I have two to re-assemble and I am just worn out after rolling this big heavy tower that weighs so much. I am looking forward to using it because I do some 2d game building and work with a lot of 3d files so it is definitely a step up for a poor guy. I will have a new reasonably fast network of 4 computers. It cost me a lot due to that new video card being dead for no reason. I hope I get good service from the new card.

And that concludes my most recent big purchases, I need shoes and pants , also feed 5 cats same family outside and 3 inside same family.......... and they all eat a LOTTTT!!! ?
Today's pickup at a local Numismatic Fair in Deva.

order of alphonse .webp
order of alphonde rear.webp

The Civil Order of Alfonso X the Wise (Orden Civil de Alfonso X El Sabio) was established by Francisco Franco on April 11, 1939.

This one on a Ladies Bow.

It was founded to replace the Civil Order of Alfonso XII, which was abolished during the Second Spanish Republic (1931-1938.)

It is awarded to either Spanish or foreign citizens in recognition of meritorious service within the fields of education, science, culture, teaching, and research.

The Order's grades are the Collar, Grand Cross, Commander by Number (known as well as Grand Officer), Commander, Cross, and Medal. It is conferred upon women and men without differences between their awards.

The Grand Master of the Order is the King of Spain, and the Grand Chancellor is the Minister of Education and Culture.

The Order features an obverse inscription that translates to “Alfonso X the Wise, King of Castile and Leon.”

To the rear the motto - "ALTIORA PETO," that means "I aspire to higher things."

The Grand Cross is conferred upon relevant individuals in the fields of cultural and scientific research.
French rules and laws on the matter being what they are, I am not allowed to have bee hives on my terrain.

So I went a bought another one. Unfortunately not as richly wooded and flowered as the current one, especially its surroundings but there are a few orchards not too far away.
I'll probably lend the terrain to a beekeeper for the hives' ease of maintenance's sake.