Okay chaps I must say this........that either way you look at it, clean uniforms or dirty one's, my entire attitude about woman from the Ukraine (and the people of the Ukraine) has solidly changed since this war started......
GOD BLESS'em ALL especially the snipers and ATGM operators!!! ?
The mettle of these ladies, young and old, from the old babushka WHO on day one walked out from her house to confront the Russian soldiers tactically walking down the boulevard telling them to leave here--now, they shouldn't have come and then handed each one a handful of sunflower seeds and when they asked "why, what for?" She told them to "put them in your pockets so when we kill you invaders the sunflowers will grow where you fall!!" It was real, I've seen the video of her doing it!! That single act set the tone for what has followed and it's been dramatic! AND, it has made me take stock too of who on this globe are the best people, if it can be said there is such a thing, I sure think it can be said and I would soundly state that Ukrainians and their woman are among the
Just watch the millions of frames of video of the evacuation to the four corners of Ukraine, the men stayed behind as we know, mobilized to fight, another great deed...but the woman, from what sure looked like very progressive, modern cities and communities, with beautiful European homes and properties, closed up houses, wrapped up the children and the parents and grandparents, grabbed the pets, and then decided what of their things they could or should take, and then herded off to safety if there was that sort of thing where they would end up--but they did it, orderly, efficiently and without fanfare. Western woman would have been a wreck, the Poles and Moldavians would have wanted to send them all back to save the drama!!
And that shouldn't stop short of mentioning those noble and hardy lovely ladies, young lasses (like the one above) who could have fled but who chose to stay behind and fight as well along with the men from their homeland.....for what's right about all that--to kill the thieves and invaders bent on nothing but taking and killing!
How many British, American, French, German or Italian girls would have stayed to fight if given the chance to bug-out and escape with their cell phone and make-up cases, most wouldn't. I hearken to the line from the movie
Patton where USA Gen. George Patton said "those people must be saved!"
To the point, to me there's NOTHING more proud, more stoic, more hardy, more motherly, more pioneering, and more gutsy, more patriotic, and more tough....AND, on top of all that in many cases, NOTHING MORE GORGEOUS than a
Ukraine girl/woman now....NOTHING!!!!
There is much to be learned from all this, something refreshing for sure. Moments in time like this show us what the mettle of people are and what they hold dear and what they will do when that time comes--we can all learn something from the Ukrainians!! Their little piece of this earth, small as it is, is as important to them as anything and from what I could tell before it became a wasteland of the detritus of war, its second only to their families!! The woman I speak of whether fighting in Ukraine or resettling somewhere waiting are the best you're going to find anywhere and perhaps the greatest I've seen in my lifetime!!
God Bless'em one and all