Terry Fincher (1931 - 2008) was one of the premier daily press photographers of the 20th century. In one of Fincher's best-known photos from Vietnam, U.S. troops rest in a tent, a human skull displayed before them, October 1968.
US soldiers, one wounded and carried by a comrade, descend Hill Timothy, April 1968.
Terry Fincher (left) with his friend and fellow Englishman, Larry Burrows, on Hill Timothy, Vietnam, April 1968. Burrows died on February 10, 1971, along with fellow journalists Kent Potter, Keisaburo Shimamoto, and Henri Huet, when their helicopter was shot down over Laos. Potter was 23 years old. Shimamoto was 34. Huet was 43. Larry Burrows, the oldest, was just 44.
US troops and supply helicopters on Hill Timothy, April 1968.