Two years too late

John A Silkstone

Mi General
MI.Net Member
Jul 11, 2004
Gordon Brown sorry for late sympathy letter

The father of a soldier killed in Afghanistan has criticised the government after receiving a condolence letter two years after his son died.

Ian Sadler said he was told an administrative error was the reason he only received the letter two weeks ago.

Last month, Gordon Brown was criticised by a bereaved parent for misspelling her son's name in a condolence letter.

In the letter to Mr Sadler, a member of Mr Brown's staff apologised for the "distress" the error had caused.

Trooper Jack Sadler, of the Territorial Army, was killed on 4 December 2007 when his vehicle hit a landmine during a reconnaissance patrol checking routes for an impending operation in Helmand Province.

Mr Sadler, from Exmouth, Devon, told BBC Radio 4's The Report he had received a handwritten letter from Mr Brown on 17 November 2009, along with a typed apology from an aide to the PM.

"Jack was killed on 4 December 2007 and I received a letter of condolence from the prime minister with no date on it on 17 November 2009," he told The Report.

Ian Sadler is disappointed it was an aide who apologised not the PM
"I have a letter apologising, not from the prime minister, but from Jeremy Heywood who is his permanent secretary, apologising that an administrative mistake resulted in my not receiving a letter from the prime minister.

"It's not good is it? Nearly two years later and the PM hasn't apologised, just his aide."

Mr Sadler added: "It goes to show what this present administration thinks of our soldiers."

In his letter, Mr Heywood said: "This issue has only just been brought to the prime minister's and my own attention; and the prime minister wanted to write to you at the earliest opportunity to correct the mistake that was made.

He added: "Please accept my and the prime minister's apologies for the distress this may have caused and my most sincere condolences for your loss."

Armed Forces Minister Bill Rammell said Mr Brown had written to the family when he was informed a letter had not been sent.

Last month Jacqui Janes criticised the prime minister for misspelling her son Jamie's name in a letter of condolence he sent her following his death.

At the time, Mr Brown said he sends a handwritten letter to every family.

Mr Sadler, a former serviceman, has already written to the Ministry of Defence complaining about other mistakes.

He said the MoD had incorrectly named his unit on the medal certificate, called his son a "tropper" instead of Trooper on an official document and that they were going to put the wrong cap badge on his son's headstone.
And the Powers That Be insist that they have a good handle on what's happening... Makes me sick!!!

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