Police Turkish National Police

Okay mate......you can't post a picture like that without the back story--that is a walking clash of cultures there, which makes it an interesting subject matter, and I don't care who you are or what side of the temple you sit on......she's built great and carries a Samurai sword........Explain please??? Turkish Ninja warrior?? ??
Okay mate......you can't post a picture like that without the back story--that is a walking clash of cultures there, which makes it an interesting subject matter, and I don't care who you are or what side of the temple you sit on......she's built great and carries a Samurai sword........Explain please??? Turkish Ninja warrior?? ??

I just picked the photo from the internet with information that I copied because it seemed interesting, May be can deduce more from the picture itself?
To start with I noted that the police riot gear is fairly light and how bored they look so the situation can't be to serious despite of the tear gas equipment.
Okay mate......you can't post a picture like that without the back story--that is a walking clash of cultures there, which makes it an interesting subject matter, and I don't care who you are or what side of the temple you sit on......she's built great and carries a Samurai sword........Explain please??? Turkish Ninja warrior?? ??
Probably LGBT or FemiNAZI riot staged photo. There is no Turkish women get dressed like this.
Special Operation Police (PÖH) officers bearing SIG516 5.56mm carbines with different attachments like EOTech holographic sights, flashlights, EOLAD laser module, magnifier and micro red dot. Also a night vision optic and PENN Arms 37mm under barrell grenade launcher, during a CQB training in Muş region South Eastern Turkey. Via DEN

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