Police Turkish National Police

Gendarme NCO.
Rifle: SAR 556 Back optic: A940 1x4/A960 1,5x6 Front optic: A600
Turkish police flying attack helos.......what's the world coming to, what's up with that??? :oops:
In Turkey we have kinda all insurgents. Seperatist to Islamists militants, extreem commies to sects. This question you asked was actually on the news for a while. Why police uses attack heli? We have military police ( Gendermarie ) for this purposes but my opinion is Police has own special operation & aviation departments even has attack UAVs( bayraktar). Either was needed for anti terror operations or for demilitarised areas ( Greek border ) there can only border guards or police force can patrol. Or ( General opinion of the public ) if army and Gendermarie decides for coup current government wants to strengthen the police.
Female Gendarmerie Special Public Security Command (JÖAK) operators during qualification process

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