@BravoZulu thx

Admiral Kuznetsov’s bad luck strikes again – or how Russia may have lost its largest dry dock in the north

On the night of October 29th, Admiral Kuznetsov, Russia’s only remaining aircraft carrier nearly sank together with the dry dock it was inhabiting while undergoing overhaul and modernization in Roslyakovo (Murmansk region). Although Kuznetsov survived, with some degree of damage (extent unclear), Russia’s largest floating dry dock PD-50 is now completely submerged and likely to result in a total loss. The story is likely to become infamous in the annals of Russia’s notorious shipbuilding and ship repair industry, piling on to a spate of bad news regarding engine production for project 22800 missile corvettes, and delays in modernization timelines.

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@vonFeilitzsch...Nice photo. However I think it is photoshopped because aircraft generally don't fly that low over the water with full afterburners. of course I could be wrong.mil-smile02
Might be. I'm not able to verify it although the source is actually really good capt(n) on twitter ex russian navy officer. he recently talked to the bbc about the russian navy

Tell us, how has your experience been in this exercise?mil-smile03
Sorry, your answer is not clear ...Mil-smile01

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