Other Post Whale with mysterious harness may be Russian military 'spy,'


Mi General
MI.Net Member
Apr 18, 2019
Russia’s military may have an unusual new recruit – a white beluga whale that has been spotted in the waters of the Norwegian Arctic.

The whale was wearing a tight harness that appears to be Russian made, sparking concern from Norwegian officials and prompting speculation that the animal may have escaped from a Russian military facility.

In a tweet, the Norwegian Directorate of Fisheries explained that officials worked with a local fisherman to take the harness off the whale’s body. Joergen Ree Wiig of the Directorate says "Equipment St. Petersburg" is written on the harness strap, which features a mount for an action camera.

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Sooner or later I expect Western Audiences to wake up from this Day Dream..... By this News - it is not to be expected soon
I definately do not believe the whales were being used for spying. but has the navy not admitted using them for other military purposes?, think I read that somewhere but I am not 100% sure

A Russian reserve colonel called Viktor Baranets has been interviewed by a Russian TV station talking about the whale, and he said: "if we were using this animal for spying do you really think we'd attach a mobile phone number with the message 'please call this number'?"

Sooner or later I expect Western Audiences to wake up from this Day Dream..... By this News - it is not to be expected soon

Why do you feel that the use of the whale is a dream? do you have information negating the possibility?
Interesting topic :)
I definately do not believe the whales were being used for spying. but has the navy not admitted using them for other military purposes?, think I read that somewhere but I am not 100% sure

Why do you feel that the use of the whale is a dream? do you have information negating the possibility?
Interesting topic :)

The Dream I refer to is that where every Event is immediately reduced to the most extreme possible Conclusion. Poor reporting is to be expected at the best of Time but in light of the recent Stories and Reports 'Russia is weaponzing X' this is more lamentable.
Not that Whales and other Marine Life cannot be potentially used for this purposes but that would be pretty far down the end of Conclusions to draw first.

To further extent, if all it is equipped with is a Go Pro, and we assume it was used by Military it is improbable it has to do with spying due to limited Power and Storage. Simpler Conclusions but less fear inducing is it could be used for dealing with Mines or Security.
Yes I see where you are coming from, the press do tend to embellish a story for their own purposes quite a lot.
Personally I believe very little of what the press publish these days.
"Equipment St. Petersburg" must have lost the bit with "If found lost please return too - - - - - - - - - - - -
And including a cell phone number to contact if found! Doesn't really fit the requirement for espionage does it? never let the truth get in the way of a manufactured story ;)

More stupid things have happened. But yes that coupled with the limitations of Technology etc makes a highly silly and unlikely case.