Question? Operation Desert Storm Delta Force SCUD Hunting.


Mi Recruit
MI.Net Member
Jul 22, 2015
Hello everybody,
I'm a military modeler, and I need some help. I've mainly been building from World War 2 to Vietnam war, and 80s-90s US military models. My latest project is the first Gulf War SF. The idea is to build a 3-4 men Delta Force SCUD hunters spotting an Iraq SCUD missile mobile platform. the SCUD missile launcher is no problem as somebody gave me a Dragon Models SCUD, which can be built as Russian model or export model used by Iraq army. I always try to be accurate as much as possible and my problem is that I find very little info on the web about Delta force. I would like to know which uniforms, gear, weapons and other equipment the Delta Force operatives used at their missions in SCUD boulevard, also if they used ground vehicles for the mission (Hummers or other). Thanks in advance for reply.
Welcome Cisco
i dont know much about Delta but will take a look around and see what I can find for you.
Thanks, will appreciate it. If no accurate info available, I can turn the team to SAS, that other dioramas (1/35 scale) and info is available by the dozen.
Best Regards
Welcome Cisco
have to agree the SAS version would be my choice to but in any case look forward to seeing the end result
I'd like to use Delta instead of SAS, because there are not much dioramas on this theme. But if I'm going to make mistakes on the gear and equipment, I prefer to drop the idea.
Thanks again.
Lets see if we can find some information for you, stick with your idea for Delta. If not many have done it, that's because its difficult and in my book a good reason to pursue it.
Thanks for help been doing some digging on my own,
This is the closest I've got.


Chocolate chip BDUs, combined with winter layer clothing, US army night parka, black wool cap. Alice webbing and ITLBV vests. Car 15 carbine, m16a2 rifle w/m203 GL and m14 with sniper scope, side arm guess it had to be m1911 and/or m9 pistols, both with bianchi standard army hoster (early drop leg and belt versions), AN/PAQ 1 laser target designator.
Thanks for your help. If anything needed from my side just let me know.
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