Sweden plans to station its soldiers in Finnish Lapland
The chairman of the Swedish Defense Committee, Peter Hultqvist, says that a joint NATO force of Sweden, Norway and Finland is being formed in northern Finland.
The chairman of the defense committee of the Swedish Parliament, Peter Hultqvist (sd), tells Iltalehti that the Swedish Defense Forces is preparing to deploy Swedish soldiers in Finnish Lapland.
- I know that the Swedish Defense Forces and the government are preparing to deploy troops to Finland. It would happen as part of NATO cooperation, Hultqvist tells Iltalehte in Luumäki.
For his position, Hultqvist is aware of the intention to deploy Swedish soldiers on Finnish soil.
- The way I see it is that now a force is being formed in Northern Finland, which will include soldiers from different countries. Sweden naturally participates in such an operation, Hultqvist emphasizes.
Hultqvist says that the group to be formed would also include Norwegian soldiers.
As chairman of the defense committee, Hultqvist is aware of the project and its historical background. According to him, the establishment of a joint force was already discussed before Finland and Sweden joined NATO.
Ruotsin puolustusvaliokunnan puheenjohtaja Peter Hultqvist kertoo, että Pohjois-Suomeen ollaan muodostamassa Ruotsin, Norjan ja Suomen yhteistä Nato-joukkoa.