Photos Israeli Defence Forces

I went down a rabbit hole looking for info on the Russian Bumerang IFV, and found these images of the Israeli Chieftain MBT:
I knew it was a posibility, didnt know they had one, lovely.
The whole Chieftain project was done in very close cooperation with IDF, with numerous lessons learned by IDF by that time in modern tank warfare being directly incorporated in the design. There were at least two Chieftains in Israel constantly tested, there were IDF tank crews training in UK, etc etc. All this ended when the Arabs found out about the project... the rest is history. This is BTW how Merkava was borne.
Strange. I saw a couple of pacifist comments ("How could combat aircraft be appropriate to commemorate the victims of a militaristic regime?") and one of the usual idiots popped up ("They're trying to keep us on our knees!") but other than that, the reactions seemed overwhelmingly positive.
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Strange. I saw a couple of pacifist comments ("How could combat aircraft be appropriate to commemorate the victims of a militaristic regime?") and one of the usual idiots popped up ("They're trying to keep us on our knees!") but other than that, the reactions seemed overwhelmingly positive.

I blocked like 10 folks outright for the similar mantra "how can we cooperate with the state entity that prosecutes Palestinians. Free Palestine".
Today, 75 years after the Holocaust, IAF and German Air Force aircraft performed a historic flyby at the "Dachau" concentration camp and above the "Fürstenfeldbruck" airport, in memory of those murdered in the holocaust and the 11 victims of the 1972 Munich Massacre.

*Together with our German allies, we vow: "Never Again", and continue to stay united for a better futur

…and there's that RecceLite on the Typhoon. Officially no exercises were planned on the 18th (the crews convened at the Dachau memorial for a commemorative ceremony). But maybe they used the opportunity of the journey to Munich for a little bit of training.
…and there's that RecceLite on the Typhoon. Officially no exercises were planned on the 18th (the crews convened at the Dachau memorial for a commemorative ceremony). But maybe they used the opportunity of the journey to Munich for a little bit of training.
In my day, unless an item was incompatible with a sortie, it would be left on the aircraft, even if not needed.

Engineer time isnt free, and possibly such systems need to be calibrated/setup when fitted, so you would not want to be swapping it about every day.

In peacetime, the sqn would have a selection of 'standard' configurations, and just bring up or down the closest config, if you needed say a 4-ship with long range tanks.

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