Food & drink Hungry Boy recipes or just what you ate

I know you should only eat them in months containing an R

We have the "R" moths rule about catching prawns in rivers and estuaries because of their breeding cycle but it is ok to catch them outside in winter as well.

Talking about mussels
Gravlax and salmon jerky for the season.
Atlantic salmon farmed in Tasmania, fresh dill, coarse salt, brown sugar, brandy.

For dry brine I use mix of 3% of salt and 1% of sugar by weight of the fish, rub the mix with dill to infuse flavour and add a dash of brandy.

Two to five days in fridge to draw moisture out of the fish turning every twelve hours.
Out of fridge after two days

From here it is either sliced paper thin for gravlax (not my photo because I' do it on the day it is consumed)

I skinned mine, sliced it to about 10mm thick and put in fridge under small fun.
Today it was vacuum packed and is ready for the season.

In winter time I do the same but dry it in smoker giving it couple hours of cold smoke halfway through.