Photos German Military Photos

It has a Keymod interface free-folat rail which can be seen on the newest HK416A7 (HK G95) or civilian M308 A3 variant but not on the HK417A2 or G28 Patrol eighter. Probably modified for the special request of the unit...

I'm not talking about the original Patrol handguard for the G28., that was a quadrail. The new, V2 version, is also a slimline and it looks very similar to the one you posted, I haven't seen any detailed picture yet, so I can't be sure if it is the same or only similar.. The HK slimline hand guards are not Keymod compatible BTW. It's a proprietary system of Heckler & Koch.
KSK Comandos

Soldiers of the Special Forces (KSK) command of the Bundeswehr are armed with the HK 416 A7 (G95) in helicopter H145M LUH SOF during the preparation for the day of the Bundeswehr in Pfullendorf, 13.06.2019.

The Budget for 2020 includes money for the following projects:

2nd batch of Puma IFV (apparently 210 additinal vehicles)
Frigates of the MKD 180 Class
New Heavy Lift Helos
Replacement of 33 Tranche 1 Eurofighters with newer ones.

The Budget for 2020 includes money for the following projects:

2nd batch of Puma IFV (apparently 210 additinal vehicles)
Frigates of the MKD 180 Class
New Heavy Lift Helos
Replacement of 33 Tranche 1 Eurofighters with newer ones.

Glad to see the German Navy upgrading.

The F125 and MKS 180 look promising.
By the way, how do you guys do it over here? Which one is the dedicated discussion thread – this one or the one in the "news" subforum?
Thats photoshopped the MH47G is a contender for the new heavy helicopter of the Bundeswehr the more likely next one is the CH53K.
I'm not so sure about that. From a perspective of operational and financial requirements, the only thing the CH-53K has going for itself is the fact that pilots already qualified to fly the CH-53GA can learn to fly their new mounts more easily. Other than that, the King Stallion is way too expensive and its development history and staggering cost overruns run afoul of the declared goal to buy a new helicopter off the shelf.

This isn't to say that reason will prevail – that a helicopter will not be bought which even the United States Marine Corps is not sure it really wants. However, the CH-47F is most definitely the Luftwaffe's dream candidate, and be it only for the fact that they could get 12 to 19 more for the funds allocated by parliament.
By the way, how do you guys do it over here? Which one is the dedicated discussion thread – this one or the one in the "news" subforum?

I'm not so sure about that. From a perspective of operational and financial requirements, the only thing the CH-53K has going for itself is the fact that pilots already qualified to fly the CH-53GA can learn to fly their new mounts more easily. Other than that, the King Stallion is way too expensive and its development history and staggering cost overruns run afoul of the declared goal to buy a new helicopter off the shelf.

This isn't to say that reason will prevail – that a helicopter will not be bought which even the United States Marine Corps is not sure it really wants. However, the CH-47F is most definitely the Luftwaffe's dream candidate, and be it only for the fact that they could get 12 to 19 more for the funds allocated by parliament.
We try to keep the photo/video thread as just that mate, the "news" subforum was started to basically pick up any discussion items in the "news" domain. When I originally made those "Military News" threads there wasn't a common thread in existence with posts all over the place and not a lot of discussion taking place so the need was not there for dedicated threads. However, with the surge in membership who may wish to post on a particular country or military I would encourage wholeheartedly any new thread for discussion.

There is absolutely nothing stopping anyone from starting a "discussion" thread on any military force they desire, you yourself can happily start a new thread for discussion of new/current equipment, contracts for kit or trends/issues in the German military for and they will follow mate! (Y)
Huh. That's interesting. A couple of years ago, I'd seen those in the flesh but assumed they were ex-East German.
I never heard about West Germany acquiring eastern bloc planes before the Berlin-Wall falling. Any more info on this?
^ It's crazy to think that helicopter is older than any of the soldiers depicted. Heck, it might even be older than those ruines in the background.

On an unrelated note, having sifted through this thread I wonder when will the powers that be finally give in and change the rules so that the field trousers don't have to be tucked into the boot-leg anymore. Hardly anyone wears their boots like that. Even on official press release images they don't. As soon as all sticklers for rules are out of sight, the trousers are worn pulled over the boot. It's just way more comfortable. And unless you wear trousers two sizes to big for you, vermin won't get under there either.
This goes to show that the original thing without the instructor's cabin is not much bigger than a bloody VW Golf. :)

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