Photos Cyprus 1974



TMT militia during the urban conflict somehwere in Lefkoşa 1974. The man with a FN FAL and British Brodie helmet is allegedly Raif Denktaş, the son of the TRNC's founder and first president Rauf Denktaş.

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Paramilitary members of the TMT armed with STEN 9 mm smg and Lee Enfield .303 rifle during an urban conflict in Limassol. 1964


Paramilitary members of the TMT working with M18 57 mm recoilless gun in Kyrenia Mountains of Cyprus. 1971


TMT militiamen with civilian looking consultants in Cyprus, 1974. The standing man with moustache at right is Engin Alan who later became the commander of Turkish Army Special Forces Command (ÖKK) as a general.


Sabri Demirbağ AKA Köpek Sabri (Sabri the hound), commander of the 2nd Commando Brigade who became the world's first general jumped over an active combat zone during the operation.



Marine and naval aviation officers in charge of the landing at Ertuğrul Bay posing with a sergeant.

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Massacred Turks by EOKA..

It was the major reason to launch Turkish operation on island.. EOKA separatist Greek group did Coup to achieve ''Enosis''( reunification with Greece) plans in 15 July 1974 force Turkey launch invasion.

Between 1960s 1974 ; 18,667 Turkish Cypriots from different villages abandoned the island. 364 Turkish Cypriots were killed. 25,000+ Turkish Cypriots from 104 villages, amounting to a quarter of the Turkish Cypriot population, were displaced and forced to live in enclaves on an area of land encompassing 3% of the island, and were blockaded by the Greek and Greek Cypriot militia.. Finally, the Greek soldiers and the EOKA militants did coup to unite the Republic of Cyprus to the Greece. Their only problem was the Turkish population.

Bloody Noel(Christmas) Genocide against Turks





Eoka terrorists killed 88 Turks in single village.. They threw the bodies into mass grave. United Nations officials removed bodies. UN Swedish soldier: I've never seen such massacre before


EOKA militias


EOKA Leader Grivas

EOKA Genocides caused for UN troops to come to the island

UNFICYP deployments as of December 1972.


This did not reduce the pressure Turkey launched an operation after EOKA coup to protect the Turks and to prevent Island from entering Greek patronage..



Greek POW


Cypriot POW's in Mersin Turkey

over 2000 Greek-Cypriot prisoners of war were taken to Turkey and detained in Turkish prisons later released...


Turkish Cypriots celebrating the arrival of the Turkish soldier. They celebrates saving them from a genocide's like Bloody Christmas... & and the pressure on them is over..


Turkish president Ecevit with local women

Result : The 3/1 of island went under control Turkish Cypriots.

Turkish soldier's celebrating victory on the top of Pentadáctilos mountains


Lieutenant of the Turkish army tells the Greeks that there is something they need for ex water or food,



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There where non deniable and disgusting atrocities from the Cypriot EOKA-B.

But the Turkish side committed some as well and they were also probably done by the Turkish army. Turkey was sentenced to pay 90 mill. € to Greek Cypriots for the vanishing of 1600 Greek Cypriots and the displacement of 162.000 Greek Cypriots.

The losers are and were the Cypriots of all sides.

Regarding the invasion it was regarded as a failure by NATO which was also angered that Turkey used NATO equipment for the invasion.

The incompetent exertion of the invasion led to fears in NATO that Turkey wouldn't be able to stand the highly mechanised forces of the Warsaw pact.

The first invasion was prepared miserably and the Turkish forces where losing ground against the ill equiped Greek cypriots, they could only hold 3% of the territory at time of the armistice.

Also fuel had to be confiscated from civilians to supply the armed forces.
There where non deniable and disgusting atrocities from the Cypriot EOKA-B.

But the Turkish side committed some as well and they were also probably done by the Turkish army. Turkey was sentenced to pay 90 mill. € to Greek Cypriots for the vanishing of 1600 Greek Cypriots and the displacement of 162.000 Greek Cypriots.

The losers are and were the Cypriots of all sides.

Regarding the invasion it was regarded as a failure by NATO which was also angered that Turkey used NATO equipment for the invasion.

The incompetent exertion of the invasion led to fears in NATO that Turkey wouldn't be able to stand the highly mechanised forces of the Warsaw pact.

The first invasion was prepared miserably and the Turkish forces where losing ground against the ill equiped Greek cypriots, they could only hold 3% of the territory at time of the armistice.

Also fuel had to be confiscated from civilians to supply the armed forces.

Plenty of blame to go around, that's true.

But the invading Turkish Army disregarded all modern norms of the rules of warfare. It was an orgy of killing civilians and POWs, rape and atrocities - which are still being investigated today.

There is nothing glorious about this operation.
I think this is getting out of control. When the thread started I thought ok lets watch the pictures it is an historic event after all.

But when the blame game starts it is getting foolish, I just waited for it to happen.

The military analysis is one issue which can be discussed, and I think the Turkish Armed Forces have gone a long way since than and would be a great

ally to NATO today (without Erdogan).

The dispute between Turks and Greeks is very old and too complex to be analysed in a photo thread.

As I said before why not leave Cyprus to the Cypriots may they be of Greek or Turkish descendant?

All the political meddling just worsens it for them.

And to be clear I respect both Turkey and Greece. But I do not respect Erdogan though.

I have most respect for Kemal Atatürk the creator of modern Turkey.

It may be personal as I worked with the Turkish Air Force and after the "coup" they all "disapeared".