Photos 2008 Russo-Georgian War.

yes it is, good ol 005 Pion is aint that easy to kill
Since we are talking about abandoned/captured equipment of Georgian

Nice. Really glad to hear that. I like the Pion. Sad to see it become near extinct in our inventory.

oh boy, i see unused 160mm rockets, a stuff that is hardly avaliable to our troops now.

Yeah, quite expensive loss there.

also remains of a missile container in Kodori, Abkhazia. Reportedly leftover of a launcher unit, not confirmed though.


Great photos btw.
Part 2

US humvees ( as in actual US property ) seized in the port of Poti. I remember Uncle Sam being a little upset about this ^^


Detracked and abandoned BMP-2, 642. Footage at the top left was taken during war.


Captured BMP-2s 465 and 460


Abandoned and burnt BTR-80s near Gori. Not confrimed but likely Georgian.


Captured MT-55 bridge layer


Abandoned medevac, seems in perfect operational condition


Abandoned MAN truck


Damaged and abandoned M-35 command & comm vehicle. Some other M-35 in the background used to transport captured military equipment ( uniforms, gear etc )


Damaged and abandoned M-35 supply truck


Captured AR-15s. Quite a large amount of small arms were left behind in crates and bunkers. The Russians burned most of it. Some were taken as trophies.

The AR-15 found no use in the armed forces during the conflict. Some police / MIA units were seen and documented carrying AR-15 carbines.

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That's pretty much it for combat / non-combat losses though. Remaining photos are the same but shot from different angles. I'll try to cover mentioned but so far not shown losses too later. Its mostly lorries, small arms and gear.

Here are some photos of Georgian MIA. They were the tip of the spear if you like. When the GAF advanced into Tskhinvali, it moved basicaly in a reverse traingle formation. Two brigades, 3rd and 4th were covering the flanks and taking the surrounding villages, while the 2nd brigade remained in the rear and acted as reserve and relief force much of the war. The center assault was covered by a combination of troops from both brigades supported by armor, while the MIA troops transported in Cobra APCs armed with AGLs were sweaping and cleaning the suburbs from any resistance. The counter terror unit ( back then also part of the MIA ) was involved as well, to what extent is unknown and not really mentioned, prob classified. I'd assume their task was to apprehend high profile members of the separatist leadership. However most of them had fled the town by the point Georgian troops entered. The MIA was later supported by the army special operations group that assembled back to town after taking several objectives via small team / troop manouvers and got relieved by infantry and artillery. MIA elements were the first to open up on the Russian reinforcements when they were moving into town, both elements participated in the consequent clash. During combat, each soldier of a special troop was usualy armed with at least one RPG tube. The MIA got praise from the Russian side for "having balls", also because even after the GAF retreated they remained in the conflict area and kept vigile over Russian activities, basicaly standing next to them.

Photos taken during ceasefire.








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Then separatist leader, Eduard Kokoity. He and his forces withdrew to the Russian base in Java after their first contact with the GAF. The separatist MOD staid in town and acitvely participated in fights. They were aided reportedly by Russian specops.


Russian armor moving through the Roki tunnel into Georgia




Chechens employed by the Russian military.


Famous edited photo showing only a single Russian soldier keeping a Georgian police convoy in check. In reality, there's a little more than just one soldier standing in that area with several BTRs, and also tanks moved up to the scene.

Background in case people are confused over the entire situation: Georgians were given permission to send security forces ( MIA ) into occupied Gori, however Russian units still stopped them at road blocks and forced them to return. Georgian police was later allowed into Gori. This is when active hostilities had effectively ceased at that point.




Photo sources: fb
Guys, this thread has been quite obviously derailed from a "Photo" thread to a discussion about the conflict. I am moving the relevant posts to a "Discussion" thread and we can get back to posting images in this thread

Sorry Bravo, was still writing this. Can you move this as well. Thank you mate :)
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also remains of a missile container in Kodori, Abkhazia. Reportedly leftover of a launcher unit, not confirmed though.
LAR-160 could not have been deplyed to Kodori, only I artillery brigade of Eastern Command operates LARs, they would not travel that far in wartime, probably just a missile container was left there, but its still mistery to me what missiles were doing in Abkhazia

Georgian Forces
Since most of my pictures got deleted, ill re upload
Captured Georgian equipment: 9M317 Rockets, SA-8 OSAs, military trucks, artillery guns

Russian and Osettian forces:





  • 60813aef102e.webp
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Hi everyone. Does somebody luckely have any more photos of captured in Georgia BUK's missiles, at the best with readable serial numbers? It looks like one of those could be used to destroy MH17 Boeing...
Hi everyone. Does somebody luckely have any more photos of captured in Georgia BUK's missiles, at the best with readable serial numbers? It looks like one of those could be used to destroy MH17 Boeing...
Extremly less likley, Russians took 3 BUK SAMs, one broke down and was burnt by Russians, one was destroyed by Georgian forces later in Abkhazia
Russian unit responsable for downing og MH 17 is 55th Anti Air Brigade from Kursk, unit has been identified by Rocket and SAM serials.
However, Terrorist in East Ukraine were observed using GROM MANPADs which Russians captured from Georgians, More probably Russia sent it from Abkhazia or Ossetia
So, there still is little chance, but less likley as i said
Russian troops setting fire to Georgian aircraft on the Senaki military base. In total two Mi-24s and one Mi-14 were burnt and destroyed. Additionaly three AN-3 paratrooper aircraft were destroyed by Russian planes.

Further, pictures of airstrips damaged by the Russian airforce. It prevented the Georgian airforce to fly sorties after the first day of the conflict but also prevented potential combat losses to the Georgian airforce.




Russian Su-25 damaged by Georgian MANPADS (Man Portable Air Defense System) - probably by 9K310 Igla-1 during Armed conflict in South Ossetia in 2008
real % of 5 Days of War (2011) movie or propaganda of western?

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