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I actually somewhat found that book acurate (mostly), also Moscow Defence Breif had pretty insteresting studies about the war
It is the only credible and realistic work from their side, especialy because it was written and edited by several experts, and got updated several times, and it is also one of the most detailed on the war in general. < valuable source.
Russians also posted stuff like this: http://www.apn.ru/publications/article20625.htm
.... which is ofc overplayed and never happened like that. Just like it was only half true what they showed in that video. < both - invaluable source.
thats funny, but lets do maths
Georgian army was 12.000 big in 2008, about 2000 were stationed in Iraq, and 2 combat brigades did not took part in conflict activly.
so, 4000-5000 at the 8 august, many were mobilised later but did not took part in combat
4000 at very maximum. Two brigades were fully committed, that means theoraticaly about 2,000 combat and corresponding personnel were involved from each brigade. Another brigade was kept in reserve. Of all those three infantry battalions, one special forces group and one independent armored battalion were assembled for the second assault on the town on 9 August. Even ToS is a little confusing on that. Some things don't really add up. Russians initialy didn't, but now like to exlcude Georgian SF in all of this, while others acknowledge their impact. (http://www.atlanticcouncil.org/publ...ato-can-open-a-path-to-membership-for-georgia) . Either way, that force moved from Zemo Nikosi into Tskhnvali and simply bumped into the Russian vanguard that entered the town. Preceeding that was an attack by Georgian MIA troops. and even before that tank / artillery shelling in which Khrulyov got wounded. The Russians didn't even know if it were tanks or artillery. According to other soruces it were tanks. (http://ssi.armywarcollege.edu/pdffiles/pub1069.pdf), also slight disagreement on losses there.
Russian BMPs, what killed them is not pretty clear, some say Georgian SIM1 and some say Georgian Fagot ATGM team
Seems like a different angle on the three Russian BMPs that were moved to block the entrance to the garrison and got shelled from a distance by Georgian tanks. Not 100% sure though.
More pictures of Russian combat and non-combat total losses in detail. Most of the soft vehicle losses, most or maybe even all of them were the result of artillery shelling according to ToA. Russia actualy suffered more combat losses, but the ones that Georgia suffered were more severe, because it were mostly T-72 tanks.

In return, Georgian combat and non-combat tank losses:
Don't ask me why or how they managed to flip over or were driven and got stuck in irrigation ditches. ^^ well one did it because they were hit by RPGs and tried to move out, so it was an accident, but no idea about other.

Will also post captured Georgian hardware, was quite a lot.
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