Photos Afghan Armed Forces (Prior to 2021)

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had this happened under Trump, the white house would have been already torched by BLM and Antifa molotovs

"" Michael Moore

14 hrs ·
Peeling The American Onion
It Ain't Over 'Til The Last Burger King
Leaves Kandahar
By Michael Moore
Most won’t say it, so I will:
America has thankfully lost another war. Let’s make this the last.
This is nothing here to celebrate. This should only be a monumental gut-check moment of serious reflection and a desire to seek redemption for ourselves. We don’t need to spend a single minute right now analyzing how Biden has or has not messed up while bravely handling the end of this mess he was handed — including his incredible private negotiations all this week with the Taliban leaders to ensure that not a single enemy combatant from the occupying force (that would be us; e.g., U.S. soldiers and spies and embassy staff), will be harmed. And Biden so far has gotten every American and foreign journalist out alive, plus a promise from the Taliban that those who stay to cover it will not be harmed. And not a single one has! Usually a force like the Taliban rushes in killing every enemy in sight. That has not happened! And we will learn that it was because of the negotiating skills and smarts of the Biden team that there was no mass slaughter. This is not Dunkirk.
Dozens of planes have safely taken off all week — and not one of them has been shot down. None of our troops in this chaotic situation have been killed. Despite the breathless shrieks of panic from maleducated journalists who think they’re covering the Taliban of the 1990s (Jake Tapper on CNN keeps making references to “beheadings“ and how girls might be “kidnapped” and “raped” and forced to become “child brides”), none of this seems to be happening. I do not want to hear how we “need to study” what went wrong with this Taliban victory and our evacuation because (switching to all caps because I can’t scream this loud enough): WE ARE NEVER GOING TO FIND OURSELVES IN A SITUATION LIKE THIS AGAIN BECAUSE OUR DAYS OF INVADING AND TAKING OVER COUNTRIES MUST END. RIGHT? RIGHT!!
Just look at this:
Iraq (1991).
Iraq (2003).
There are two themes that run through this list of countries we’ve invaded since World War II.
One, none of them ever invaded us or posed any kind of threat to our lives — the only true justification to ever use armed force.
And number two, they ain’t white. Since May 8, 1945, for some reason, we only kill people of color. Probably just a co-inky-dinky.
As with the Viet Cong in Vietnam, we were defeated in Afghanistan by a rag-tag army that did not own a single helicopter, not a single jet fighter, no stealth bombers, no missiles, no napalm, no Burger King at the PX, not one air conditioned tent — not one! — not a goddamn tank in sight, just a bunch of guys with beards in pick-up trucks firing bullets into the air. Oh, and one other similarity with Vietnam — it was their country! Not ours. We were the invaders. In Vietnam we killed 2 million people. In Afghanistan, estimates of the dead go as high as 250,000. In Iraq we killed nearly a million (going back to Bill Clinton’s civilian bombing campaign).
We spent over $2.4 trillion in Afghanistan for 20 years while the poor in America went without food, medical care, decent schools. The water in the Black-majority city of Flint was poisoned by the Governor. A thousand people shot by the police in the U.S. each year.
We sacrificed over 2,400 American lives to invade a country where Bin Laden was nowhere to be found. Bush said early on he no longer had any interest in capturing him. In 2011, Obama’s seal team found him in a house just down the road from Pakistan’s “West Point”. Who woulda thought!
What a tragic mess. Defund the military-industrial complex, defund the NSA, defund Homeland Security. They sent our young troops to their deaths. For shame! No Afghan attacked the World Trade Center. 15 of the 19 hijackers on 9/11 were from Saudi Arabia! Not from Afghanistan, not Iraq, not Iran. How come “Bandar Bush” — the Saudi Royal Family’s tender nickname for their longtime friend, George W. Bush — why didn’t Bush attack Saudi Arabia? Oh. Right. They have something we need. Fill ‘er up!
So, yes, we lost this stupid, senseless war and I’m happy that it has finally ended. Our fake Afghanistan Army couldn’t wait for us to leave — and, as soon as we did, the Afghan soldiers stripped off their fake Army costumes we gave them, threw them to the ground and spit on them. They joined the Taliban in the streets in celebration. The Taliban did not shoot a single one of them. The Afghan interpreters and others who colluded with the enemy, the USA, for 20 years — yes, they might be in trouble (just like if Russia invaded Alaska and a bunch of Alaskans collaborated with them and after the Russians left some Americans might want retribution from the collaborators). You get that, right?
The pundits on TV wail: “We’ve abandoned our Afghan helpers! No one will ever trust us again! No one will ever believe us! Our word is no good!!”
EXACTLY! Correct! Yessss! We should never be believed! Note to the rest of the world: You see us coming? RUN! Nothing but tragedy awaits you. Do NOT help us. If we sign a climate agreement, we will not follow it! If we sign a nuclear deal with your mullahs, don’t believe it. It only means we’re getting ready to bomb you. And you should know that when it comes to we, the American public, there is not a single morning where we ever wake up thinking about you or giving a rat’s ass whether 80% of your people live in a state of oppressive abject poverty. It’s always only about us, baby — and what YOU can do for US, for our AMERICAN WAY OF LIFE!
And by the way, make sure there’s always a roof where we can land that goddamn escape helicopter when we need to get the F outta Dodge!
It’s always Saigon Time in America.
P.S. May our troops and the Afghan civilians someday forgive us. Much condolences and love to all families who lost loved ones in this disgustingly sad war. I can only imagine how you all have felt this week. Nineteen of our American veterans commit suicide every single day. Please, don’t leave us. I/we will not abandon you. (If you need to talk to someone, call 800-273-8255).
Thanks Meal Team Six, so much is clearer now after your er . . . . explanation.
Sad when this idiot has to defend Biden. lol!
No comment, But Michel Moore = asshole.
Panjshir Resistance led by Ahmed Massoud took control of Hesar District from Taliban, yesterday evening.

Taliban are also said to have sent massive battalion from kunduz to recapture Baghlan.
Yeah. Saw yesterday. I think this will be the first heavy conflict of taliban against masoud forces

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never go full retard
Couple of pictures pulled from Twitter - can't give you the original sources, I'm afraid and apologies if they're already been in some of the links previously posted.

2 para.jpg

3 para.jpg
Kabul is still fubar but we've worked out a light signal & code word/sound system that seems to work for identification @ the North Gate. Sometime a very crude system is the best. Down to about 110 evacuees on DK's list but adding constantly but are taking others as needed. Recovery by bus, helicopter & by foot still options during the daylight. Alternate CIA rally point also a big help but could be found out by bad guys as word spreads [evacuees share secret stuff]. Supplies & coms still good. Heard Brits has a baby delivered on 1 of their flights out yesterday. A final exit plan is being discussed at our daily briefings, none of the options sound good to us but if we hear Geronimo, Geronimo, Geronimo the S**t will get real I guess. Lot of COVID around, glad we're vaccinated. Guys on perimeter duty still have it tuff, please say some prayers for them.


  • North Gate KBL 22Aug2021.mp4
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No wonder how trillions wasted. To be honest, if I were an American, I would be very upset about the tax I paid.

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Pick any green NATO troops and you can make a video identical to this one of their training and first missions. Because these guys never got a lot of training beyond the most basic soldiering skills and because of their lack of education actually teaching them stuff AND having it stick has always been very difficult. Afghan leadership has never really matured and so there is no one from neither officers nor NCOs to correct their soldiers. Their way of fighting is simply different to our own and when the first bullet zips by they revert to their own cultural way of fighting.

I've tried finding it, but sadly can't at this moment but there is an infamous video about a Dutch OMLT team that spent weeks with an Afghan unit just teaching them the most basic stuff including how to fire their weapon. They go out on their first patrol and when the bullets start flying the camera guy is with one of the Dutch soldiers as he tries to get an Afghan to fire his rifle properly. The Afghan is holding his weapon above his head firing over a low wall. The Dutch guy brings his gun up and uses his hand to show that the eye needs to be level with the sights. The Afghan reluctantly does one or two shots actually aiming and then reverts back to how a lot of fighting is done in the Middle East and Africa. Hold the gun above their heads and hope that Allah is on their side.
Pick any green NATO troops and you can make a video identical to this one of their training and first missions. Because these guys never got a lot of training beyond the most basic soldiering skills and because of their lack of education actually teaching them stuff AND having it stick has always been very difficult. Afghan leadership has never really matured and so there is no one from neither officers nor NCOs to correct their soldiers. Their way of fighting is simply different to our own and when the first bullet zips by they revert to their own cultural way of fighting.

I've tried finding it, but sadly can't at this moment but there is an infamous video about a Dutch OMLT team that spent weeks with an Afghan unit just teaching them the most basic stuff including how to fire their weapon. They go out on their first patrol and when the bullets start flying the camera guy is with one of the Dutch soldiers as he tries to get an Afghan to fire his rifle properly. The Afghan is holding his weapon above his head firing over a low wall. The Dutch guy brings his gun up and uses his hand to show that the eye needs to be level with the sights. The Afghan reluctantly does one or two shots actually aiming and then reverts back to how a lot of fighting is done in the Middle East and Africa. Hold the gun above their heads and hope that Allah is on their side.
Andrey Prikazchikov (director of our museum) told an interesting case about his service in Afghanistan. One day their detachment witnessed a battle between two villages. They didn't share something. For a whole day they fired at each other, in the evening a representative of one of the parties came to ask the Soviet soldiers for cartridges. He boasted - they say, "We have killed dozens of enemy soldiers! Give me a box of ammunition!" In the morning a representative from another village came. It turned out that during the day of the battle, they received only one wounded...
Our veterans speak unflatteringly about the Afghan soldiers in that war. We talked about their low combat effectiveness, their tendency to desertion... But I became interested. If we imagine that the military instructors of the USSR and the USA are equal. The USSR did not give the Afghans the latest weapons, the latest technology. It was often old WWII junk. But why then did the army hold out much longer than today?
Pick any green NATO troops and you can make a video identical to this one of their training and first missions. Because these guys never got a lot of training beyond the most basic soldiering skills and because of their lack of education actually teaching them stuff AND having it stick has always been very difficult. Afghan leadership has never really matured and so there is no one from neither officers nor NCOs to correct their soldiers. Their way of fighting is simply different to our own and when the first bullet zips by they revert to their own cultural way of fighting.

I've tried finding it, but sadly can't at this moment but there is an infamous video about a Dutch OMLT team that spent weeks with an Afghan unit just teaching them the most basic stuff including how to fire their weapon. They go out on their first patrol and when the bullets start flying the camera guy is with one of the Dutch soldiers as he tries to get an Afghan to fire his rifle properly. The Afghan is holding his weapon above his head firing over a low wall. The Dutch guy brings his gun up and uses his hand to show that the eye needs to be level with the sights. The Afghan reluctantly does one or two shots actually aiming and then reverts back to how a lot of fighting is done in the Middle East and Africa. Hold the gun above their heads and hope that Allah is on their side.
An army of people with no purpose. I've said before, give these people as much equipment, weapons and equipment as you want, but it still won't work. If there is no patriotism, national consciousness and a common purpose, what happens in the story you tell will happen.
An army of people with no purpose. I've said before, give these people as much equipment, weapons and equipment as you want, but it still won't work. If there is no patriotism, national consciousness and a common purpose, what happens in the story you tell will happen.
This is what the Afghan army, sponsored by the USSR, looked like. Disorder is visible. But what happens, that army turned out to be more motivated?

Pick any green NATO troops and you can make a video identical to this one of their training and first missions. Because these guys never got a lot of training beyond the most basic soldiering skills and because of their lack of education actually teaching them stuff AND having it stick has always been very difficult. Afghan leadership has never really matured and so there is no one from neither officers nor NCOs to correct their soldiers. Their way of fighting is simply different to our own and when the first bullet zips by they revert to their own cultural way of fighting.

I've tried finding it, but sadly can't at this moment but there is an infamous video about a Dutch OMLT team that spent weeks with an Afghan unit just teaching them the most basic stuff including how to fire their weapon. They go out on their first patrol and when the bullets start flying the camera guy is with one of the Dutch soldiers as he tries to get an Afghan to fire his rifle properly. The Afghan is holding his weapon above his head firing over a low wall. The Dutch guy brings his gun up and uses his hand to show that the eye needs to be level with the sights. The Afghan reluctantly does one or two shots actually aiming and then reverts back to how a lot of fighting is done in the Middle East and Africa. Hold the gun above their heads and hope that Allah is on their side.
We knew early on that some Afghan soldier trainees were there for a steady paycheck, then the Afghan Generals wanted control of the paychecks & names appeared at random & additional soldiers started appearing. Most can spot greed & corruption real quick. But from all the trainees a few real committed soldiers appeared with their heart in the mission. Everyone of those soldiers went onto Afghan Commando training & they've been offered citizenship along with their families that are still alive. A few are helping hold KBL after sending on their families to their new homelands. It's estimated that they number around 6K & probably could have held the taliban at bay but that's above my paygrade.
The mission was never supposed to be nation building. It was kill Bin Laden and destroy Al Qaeda.

And then year after year, substantial mission creep, until no one knew what we were doing there anymore. That was the cardinal error.
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A US Marine with some thirsty children inside the North KBL gate after entry before further med check, paperwork vetting, security check & food before boarding to their destinations. & The taliban are selling sex slaves for $20 USD in Kabul, guaranteed virgins the little girls appear to be 12 & little boys maybe 10 yrs must be tight for them, isis sells them for $50USD. It's a mad mad world. Not sure of the significance of leaving their shoes behind but it reminds me of the Holocaust Museum pile of shoes outside the gas chambers.


  • NG KBL 22AUG2021 US Marine.mp4
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