German invention by Julius Neubronner for WW1 - pigeon mounted camera. In theory, the wind-up device took a series of photos in flight. No surprise that it didn't see wide use.
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Austro-Hungarian soldiers in a trench running straight through a cemetery in Skala on the Zbrucz River, 1917. Note that the soldier on the left is armed with a Mannlicher M.1893, originally produced by Steyr for the Romanian Army.
Two cavalry officers, an Austro-Hungarian (right) and a German (left), converse after a successful counterattack near Snjatin in Galicia, following the failed Russian Kerensky Offensive, 29 July 1917.
A German soldier of the Jäger Regiment No.3 watch from a trench on Mt. Koman (Komanova) in the Carpathians, as three Russian soldiers are freely moving around in front of their trenches during the peace negotiations at Brest-Litovsk, Winter 1917/18.
Legionnaires of the 2nd Brigade of the Austro-Hungarian Polish Legions bury the frozen corpses of their comrades who fell in the night battle at Rafajłowa (23-24 Jan. 1915) during the Carpathian Winter War. Here, the Austro-Hungarians suffered some 800,000 casualties in 3 months.
An Austro-Hungarian soldier (of the older type) keep watch from a trench while enjoying his meal. His age and the Mannlicher M.1888/90 could indicate that he belongs to a Landsturm unit
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