Photos US Forces

The crew of a US AC-47 plane fire 7.62mm GE miniguns on a night mission

American F-102 interceptor fighters fly a dawn patrol
Reaching Out: wounded US marine Jeremiah Purdie (centre) is led past stricken comrades after a fierce firefight for control of Hill 484 in South Vietnam

US soldiers jump from a helicopter during Operation Pegasus, a failed attempt to lift the siege of Khe Sanh
Nguyen Thi Tron, who was wounded by gunfire from an American helicopter, tries out her new artificial leg in a game of hopscotch

A grieving widow cries over a body bag containing the remains of her husband, found in a mass grave containing civilians killed by Việt Cộng during the Tet offensive of 1968
Larry Burrows (far left) struggles through elephant grass to help GIs carry a wounded soldier to an evacuation helicopter in Mimot, Cambodia. Burrows was killed on 10 February, 1971, along with the photographer who took this picture, Henri Huet, and two other photojournalists, Kent Potter of UPI and Keisaburo Shimamoto for Newsweek, when their helicopter was shot down over Laos
Privates First Class Carl Baden (New Orleans, Louisiana) and Arcadio Carrion (Puerto Rico) of Company B, 3rd Battalion, 47th Infantry, 9th Infantry Division, laying in the mud waiting for artillery to knock out the 50 Cal. Machine gun bunker that has them pinned down in a tree line at My Tho. 4th April 1968

A US medic looks up with his one uncovered eye as he continues to treat a wounded comrade. U.S. 1st Cavalry Division medic Thomas Cole, from Richmond, Va., looks up with his one uncovered eye as he continues to treat wounded Staff Sgt. Harrison Pell during a January 1966 firefight in the Central Highlands between U.S. troops and a combined North Vietnam- ese and Viet Cong force.
Photograph: Henri Huet/AP
A tear starts to roll down the cheek of a Vietnamese girl, one of about 20 women and children left in a riverbank cave when the men in their group fled a US patrol.
Photograph: Henri Huet/AP

A US military helicopter stirs up dust and straw as it delivers troops.
Photograph: Henri Huet/AP
US soldiers relax on the long boat trip back to their base camp after a day trudging through the coconut groves of Kien Hoa province.
Photograph: Henri Huet/AP

A US soldier guides helicopters into a swampy area on the northern edge of the Mekong Delta.
Photograph: Henri Huet/AP
American infantrymen crowd into a bomb crater and seek out snipers firing at them during a battle at Phuoc Vinh.
Photograph: Henri Huet/AP

Captured guerrillas, blindfolded and hands tied behind their backs, are guarded by American GIs during the battle of An Thi, in south Vietnam.
Photograph: Henri Huet/AP
Chaplain John McNamara of Boston makes the sign of the cross as he administers the last rites to photographer Dickey Chapelle. Chapelle was covering a US Marine unit on a combat operation near Chu Lai for the National Observer when she was seriously wounded, along with four Marines, by an exploding mine. She died in a helicopter en route to a hospital.
Photograph: Henri Huet/AP

US Paratroopers hold their automatic weapons above water as they cross a river in the rain during a search enemy positions in the jungle area of Ben Cat, south Vietnam.
Photograph: Henri Huet/AP
The body of an American paratrooper killed in action in the jungle near the Cambodian border is raised up to an evacuation helicopter.
Photograph: Henri Huet/AP

US troops take cover in the hills near An Thi, along the central coast of south Vietnam, after day-long fighting in Operation Masher, 29 January 1966.
Photograph: Henri Huet/AP
Under the gaze of US soldiers, a woman holds her hands to her forehead in a village near Bong Son.
Photograph: Henri Huet/AP

Henri Huet aboard a warship in the South China Sea, off the coast of Vietnam.
Photograph: Michael Putzel/AP
Chaplain John McNamara of Boston makes the sign of the cross as he administers the last rites to photographer Dickey Chapelle. Chapelle was covering a US Marine unit on a combat operation near Chu Lai for the National Observer when she was seriously wounded, along with four Marines, by an exploding mine. She died in a helicopter en route to a hospital.
Photograph: Henri Huet/AP
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In this Feb. 27, 1968, photo, two Communist prisoners await transport to an interrogation center after South Vietnamese Rangers overran enemy positions in the Citadel of Hue, Vietnam. Early on the morning of Jan. 31, 1968

I was in the Citadel, and the Rangers had guys like this actually strung up by the thumbs for questioning.
31 August 1969. 135th Assault Helicopter Company (AHC). A unique unit in Vietnam, consisting of 50% United States Army pilots and 50% Royal Australian Navy pilots, air crew and ground staff. The 135th AHC operated with US Army, Army of the Republic of Vietnam (ARVN) and 1st Australian Task Force (1ATF) soldiers. Photo by Denis Stanley Gibbons. [AWM P04658.063]



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Battle of Ap My An. Phuoc Tuy Province. 17 – 18 February 1967. Soldiers from 6th Battalion, Royal Australian Regiment (6RAR) retrieve the body of a Viet Cong guerrilla after Operation Bribie. Photo by David Buckwalter. [AWM P05528.155]

US tankers in VN take advantage of a lull in the fighting to relax alongside their M48A3. Note the use of inflatable air-mattresses.
The turret stowage racks are crammed full of kit-bags and enough C-ration boxes to sustain them for a time in the field.

The M88 TRV made its combat debut in Vietnam where it was used extensively to recover immobilised M113s and M48s. Its heavy lift boom also provided a useful lifting capability when removing and replacing their engines. This example was attached to the 11th Armored Cavalry Regiment.


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