Photos The Cold War

In 1950s UK a new bullpulp assault rifle was being tested during the Cold War, This was the EM-2 program which tested viability of standard issue automatic weapons for British forces until after testing was dropped in favor of FN FALS eventually adopted as the L1A1 SLR

Raul Castro and Che Guevara during the Cuban Revolt in 1958, While this wasn't an actual war it was intended to overthrow the US backed government which had been put in place years earlier setting a stage for future tensions between east and west.

By the way how Gordievsky is doing in UK? All good? Say hello to him! ?
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The pressing question: does range of the projectile exceed blast radius?

Soviet Kondensator maximum firing range 25.6 km.

US M65 atomic cannon "Atomic Annie" approximate effective range firing range 30 km.
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Smallest tactical nuclear recoilless gun Davy Crockett effective firing range 2-4 km.
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Cold War. Sola Air Station, Norway. September 1983. A USAF Security Policeman in his MOPP gear on patrol during Exercise Reforger 83.

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Brings back so many fond memories.

We knew endex was coming, as we always went nuclear at 4pm, all dead by 5pm, back to the mess for dinner[Lunch having been the much misnamed hotblocks?] Not hot at all....
Project 864 Meridian/Vishnya class medium intelligence-collecting ship Tavriya (SSV-169) monitoring test launch of UGM-133 Trident II/D-5 SLBM from the Ohio class SSBN USS Tennessee (SSBN-734) on 04/12/1989.

MD-160, the sole completed Lun-class ekranoplan was a ground effect vehicle (GEV) designed by Rostislav Evgenievich Alexeyev in 1975 and used by the Soviet and Russian navies from 1987 until sometime in the late 1990s.

It flew using the lift generated by the ground effect of its large wings when within about four metres (13 ft) above the surface of the water.

When it was built, the LUN was meant to fly above the surface. This meant that it could “sneak up” on enemy warships by flying under their radar, and launch a surprise attack if need be.



The Caspian Sea Monster at Kaspiysk photographed with a KH-8 reconnaissance satellite in 1968. It remained the heaviest Ground effect vehicle in the world throughout its 15-year service life, and served as the basis for Lun's development






An apt symbol of the end of the Cold War the "Caspian Sea Monster" retired on a beach.

More information and some interesting footage

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What happened to the Ekranoplan, the huge ground effect vehicle the Soviets developed in the cold war from the 1960's to the 1980's. This was a part plane, part boat that could fly just above the above the sea surface and carry huge loads of personnel or weapons at high speed. We look at its development, its inventor and its ultimate demise.
A grandmother warms the ears of her grandson during the Oath of Enlistment for Military Service, USSR, 1980s

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