Other Post Cold Very, Very, Cold


Mi General
MI.Net Member
Feb 29, 2004
it's Winter 1970 Larkhill Salisbury Plain.

i Had been with my regiment for 4 months (49 Field Regt) we were Support for the R.S.A (Royal School of Artillery), so we were out in the field live firing 5 days a week, mostly with the 25Pd, 105mm Abbot or equipment borrowed from the RSA which could be anything.

one day the temp was hovering about the -2 mark with a wind chill of -20 it was cold to say the least.

the morning shoot went as well as expected with short breaks between fire missions, in which we ran around to keep warm.

lunch time arrived out came the hay boxes (a used device to keep food hot), Fish & chips or curry and rice, and two urn's of tea and coffee.

i held my mug under the coffee tap and watched as a stream of hot liquid pored into my mug, god in that temperature the coffee tasted like liquid gold.

Now the tea drinkers among us (I won't drink that "muck") dully filled their mugs with tea, well one guy took a Almighty swig of this liquid and almost threw up, the tea drinkers all stopped in mid sip, i watched as their faces turned very green then very red with anger, "slight digress here tea is made with water, tea, milk, and sugar to taste, not SALT", yes the Cookhouse had laced the tea with salt and not sugar.

well i have never seen a guy run so fast once he (the cook) saw 30+ gunners out for the kill.

about 3'O'Clock a Landrover turned up with a Catering Corps Officer, who could not do enough to placate us another two urn's of tea and coffee with sugar this time, biscuits, cake and apple pies.

I often wonder if this was all down to the fact that the cookhouse was well within range of our gun's
I often wonder if this was all down to the fact that the cookhouse was well within range of our gun's

PROBABLY!!! ,-surre
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I used to know a cook who burnt water he was that bad! Be that as it may, as a non gunner, why were you supporting the RSA? Couldn't they fire their own guns or is the RSA something to do with R&D? Just interested!
the RSA is basically a training Establishment, but not enough manpower to for a decent gun regiment.
Thanks for that, I was wondering... :oops:
No Problems mate.

Ps whats the most feared thing known to a squady.
A cook with a canopener. :D
Mind you thats if you can find one that's been given training in the use of one.

:D :D
Good job we don't have any cooks with us - or maybe we should then we could all get into a culinary slanging match :!:
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Boom Boom (as Basil Brush and you gunners might say!)
Drone_pilot said:
the RSA is basically a training Establishment, but not enough manpower to for a decent gun regiment.

Bad Boys Posting! :evil:
25 Pounder

Hi Drone Pilot Ubique

Now in the medical corps, I was the sergeant in charge of the medical centres at the School of Infantry, School of Artillery and all the summer camps on Salisbury Plains.
On one of my visit to the School of Artillery at Larkhill I was looking at a 25 pounder on display. The RSM walked by and told me not to waste my time looking at the gun, as I would not know what to do with it. I said. “If I sit on that little seat there on the right of the breach block and you give me the coordinates I will lay in the gun for you. Or would you like me to do one of the other five jobs on this 25 pounder. I didn’t tell him that I was an ex gunner and had worked on 25s for nearly five years. Instead I told him that all medics are trained to make every gun in the British army safe, so that there are no accidents when I soldier reports sick and he has his weapon with him. He believed me and admired the medics for being so diligent in the duties. We are trained to make small arms safe but nothing bigger. :evil:
Well, im glad my cooks not that bad, the entire squadron can run faster than him and thats with packs on our pack and him carryin nothin

If you ever do get that scenario again just keep chasin them they cant run far and keep their intial speed up, thats when you get him

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