Article The cold war - Soviet Army

The Military Topographic Service of the Armed Forces of the USSR is a formation (special service) designed to perform geodetic, topographic and cartographic work and provide troops (forces) with topographic maps, geodetic data and other information about the terrain in theaters of military operations.

Troops motto: - Cards are everything!
(Homage to the phrase of Joseph Stalin "Personnel is deciding everything" - in Russian the words "karta" ad "kadr" are consonant)
The unofficial name of the emblem: - "Hammers"
Army topographers say about themselves: - Where the devil breaks his leg, the topographer will easily find his way

"Where did you take us... damn topographer"

Railway troops of the USSR - special troops as part of the Logistics of the Armed Forces of the USSR (until March 1989). The railway troops included command and control bodies, formations, units, institutions, institutions and enterprises.
The motto of the troops: "We build, blow up, guard - let the trains go!"

The unofficial name of the emblem: "Rails, sleepers, crutches - all my friends ..."
Military railroad workers say about themselves:

"Where the wolves used to S**t - we will build highways!"
"Where the Airborne Forces breaks their legs, the Railways puts the roads!"

– Строим, взрываем, охраняем - поезда пускаем!
- Рельсы, шпалы, костыли- все приятели мои…
- Кручу, стучу, взлететь хочу, но якорь не пускает.
- Там где раньше волки срали - мы проложим магистрали!
- Два солдата из стройбата заменяют экскаватор, а солдат из ЖДВ заменяет их вдвойне!
- По воле черта, рельс и шпал я в ЖДВ служить попал.
- Там где ВДВ ломает ноги,
ЖДВ кладет дороги!

The military orchestra service of the USSR Ministry of Defense is a formation (special service) of the Armed Forces, designed to promote the spiritual and cultural development of military personnel and civilian personnel of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, to train qualified military conductors and musicians.

Troops motto: - Art to the masses! Ahead of everyone and march!

Unofficial name of the emblem:
"Trumpet troops" or "trumpet bad parts"
"Трубадувные войска" или "труба дурные части"

Emblem name: - "Lyra"
Military musicians say about themselves: "We wander all over the country, we don't look at the weather, where we have to spend the night, that we have to eat. The garrison stage is not always our stage. We sing songs, marches, if necessary, we go into battle!"
"Мы по всей стране кочуем, на погоду не глядим, где придётся заночуем, что придётся поедим. Гарнизонные подмостки наша сцена не всегда. Исполняем песни, марши, если надо в бой идём!"

"The clarinet is drunk, the trumpet is gone, the lyre is left for vocals..."
"Кларнет пропит, труба пропала, осталась лира для вокала…"

Actually, the Alexandrov Ensemble belonged to the musical troops, the records of which were thrown before. You can see the form there in detail. On my own behalf, I will add a very interesting film "Musical arrangement of military rituals", 1982.

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Signal troops of the USSR Ministry of Defense is the name of special forces designed to deploy and operate communication systems in order to provide command and control of troops and forces subordinate to the USSR Ministry of Defense in all types of their activities. As a branch of special forces, the signal troops were an integral part of all five branches of the USSR Armed Forces (ground forces, the navy, the air force, air defense forces, and strategic missile forces). The general command of the communications troops of all five branches of the armed forces was carried out by the Chief of the communications troops of the USSR Ministry of Defense.

The motto of the signalmen: "Communication is the nerve of the army!"
The unofficial name of the emblem: "A crow in a transformer booth",

You can hear about military signalmen: "The louder you shouted, the further you can hear!", "The farther you run, the lighter the coil!", "Signalers! Avoid casual connections!" (pun intended, casual sex refers to sexual intercourse).

"Who F***s in the rain and mud - our valiant connection!"
"If connections are not a hunt, then all the infantry is F***ed!"
"If there is no rain and mud, the chief of communications will give them a F***!"
"See, the dick is sticking out of the mud - this is a new communication center!"
"The signalman always has a fool at the other end of the line!"
"To start up all the communication in the pussy, one signalman and one electronic warfare officer is enough ..."

"Кто ебётся в дождь и грязь - наша доблестная связь!"
"Если связи не охота, то ебётся вся пехота!"
"Если нет дождя и грязи, их бебёт начальник связи!"
"Видишь, хер торчит из грязи - это новый узел связи!"
"У связиста дурак всегда на другом конце линии!"
"Чтобы пустить по пизде всю связь, достаточно одного связиста и одного РЭБовца..."


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