Russian Fighter Pilots Are Trying to Draw American Jets Into Dogfights Over Syria
Russia, frustrated by American support for Ukraine, is taking a more belligerent tone. But it could stumble into a major crisis.
Russian pilots have engaged in increasingly dangerous and provocative behavior over Syria. That’s the charge from U.S. Central Command, which states that Russian fighter jets have tried to gall their American counterparts into an international incident. The activity is particularly dangerous as bumbling Russian Pilots have nearly triggered such incidents in the past through their own mistakes.
“Unsafe and Unprofessional”
According to Task & Purpose, Russian forces have “violated deconfliction protocols with Coalition forces almost 100 times in two months.” Lt. Gen. Alexus Grynkewich, head of U.S. Air Forces Central Command, stated that Russian aircrews have conducted “armed overflights of ground forces in Syria 26 times, flying within 500 feet of U.S. aircraft, and in the last week, jamming U.S. aircraft electromagnetic systems.”
These incidents included an April 2 encounter in which a Russian Su-35 “Flanker-E” multi-role fighter conducted an “unsafe and unprofessional” intercept of a U.S. Air Force F-16 fighter, and an April 18 encounter when a Russian fighter “violated coalition airspace and came within 2,000 feet of a U.S. aircraft, a distance a fighter jet can cover in a matter of seconds.”
U.S. forces deployed to Syria in the late 2010s to lead a coalition that opposed the Islamic State. This put them in proximity to Russian forces propping up Syrian dictator Bashar al-Assad. While both countries are theoretically on the same side, the Coalition of Western countries is not friendly to the al-Assad regime, and Russian forces consider the Coalition presence an intrusion into Moscow’s sphere of influence. In 2018, a battle between U.S. forces, the Russian mercenary group Wagner, and Russian-backed Syrian forces killed up to 300 Syrians and mercenaries compared to zero U.S. losses.
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At this point, if one of Russia’s fighter jets does attack U.S. forces, it might not be immediately apparent whether or not it was accidental or on purpose.