Photos Polish Armed Forces

10th Armored Cavalry Brigade, Nowa Dęba Training area, Poland, October 2019

I think it's an older PM-63 RAK
It's not, as the Polish Army does not use them anymore. Look at the users section:
10th Armoured Cavalry Brigade is an elite unit. These guys would be the last ones to use the PM-63. Guys from another armoured cavalry brigade (the 17th) won the Polish Army sniper competition, beating all special forces units, including the GROM. Everybody was saying "wtf" and LOLing.
It's not, as the Polish Army does not use them anymore. Look at the users section:
10th Armoured Cavalry Brigade is an elite unit. These guys would be the last ones to use the PM-63. Guys from another armoured cavalry brigade (the 17th) won the Polish Army sniper competition, beating all special forces units, including the GROM. Everybody was saying "wtf" and LOLing.

By the way did the Poles decided to sell its surplus PM-63s? I see a ton of them during various busts by police and SBU in Ukraine.
I don't know. Do you mean the SMGs are used by criminals?

Sorry, my bad. It's fairly unusual to see foreign weapons in the hands of criminals in Ukraine unless it's WW2 German stuff (for real). Unfortunately, in Ukraine, press officers know about weapons just as much as I do about cosmetics. So, they always write "weapons of foreign origin" Upon further examination it turned to be Sanna-77 :oops:


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