Photos Polish Armed Forces

On April 16, 2019, the cadets of the Air Force Military Academy (LAW) from Dęblin began their first flights on the advanced training aircraft M-346 Bielik. The practical training of the 5th year LAW cadets is part of the Integrated Advanced Trainer system on new Air Force aircraft.

Pictures: 41. School Aviation Base


On Friday 19 April, six NATO vessels from SNMG1 (Standing NATO Maritime Group One) entered Gdynia port. Sailors from Spain, Germany, Turkey, the United States, Great Britain and Poland will stay in Gdynia throughout the Easter season.
The team of SNMG1 ships consists of the US destroyer USS Gravely, which is also the flagship unit of the team, and four frigates: Polish ORP Gen. K. Pułaski, Spanish Almirante Juan de Borbón, Turkish TCG Gökova and British HMS Westmister, as well as German supply ship Rhöen.

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