Politics Judith Collins vs Jacinda Ardern

Taxcinders "Finance" minster sent a letter to reserve bank... political stunt really to reprimand and blame the no growth economy on the banks low interest rates yet taxcinder supported the rate cut but a month before.
Absolutely no connection made by the press in NZ. Lovely progressive movement must flower each day.
Funny thing they murmured about the capital gains tax.
It would only serve to crash the market, a depression and tax credits at minimum for the next decade, anyway there was and is an already a working one that National installed aimed at speculators...maybe Trash could save us with the tax on tourist campervan toilets.
Pity he hadn't thought to connect the two ends of the material and create a bow tie. Which was good enough for Churchill.
Conglomerate that includes CNN has bought out TV3. The other 2 channels regurgitate whatever CNN, NY Times, Washington Post chunders.

Taxcinder bans a suppressor manufacturer from doing business with Isreal

“With the existing export regime, they didn’t have grounds to say you can’t send the samples but they did have grounds to say you won’t be able to sell on a commercial arrangement to a private company, to the government or to the military,” Ardern said.

Basically categorizing Isreal a terrorist state. Her hajib wearing nuclear moment has really spun her dial.