Politics Judith Collins vs Jacinda Ardern

Well that is a Labour landslide if I ever saw one.

And I know of one group outside Labour supporters who will be happy - the pollsters. This is the first one they've called correctly in at least 5 years.
I do wonder how much the referendums affected voter turn out? will be interesting to see final voter turnout numbers
Finally the carbon credit cost will be explained to the NZ tax payers back pocket like a mugging.
Tax payer powered windmills, Pasture replaced by ugly useless pine trees and pamphlets on how to dress warmly as there is no gas and the cost of electricity or eating is really a non optional choice.
It's only three years.

Greens can't honestly suggest "the people voted us a mandate". Act completely neutered that idea by beating their party vote.

Taxcinder's alter ego Miss popularity people pleaser will keep things on a bipolar but centrist track.
Unable to deliver when the economy was better. There is no way she can fulfill any promises now.
Meh, as @Flagg mentioned, without needing the Greens onboard they'll be a whole lot less inclined towards socialism. Indeed I suspect that they got plenty of tactical votes to prevent that from happening - National voters who could see that under Collins they couldn't organise a beer and a BJ in a brothel so might as well deny the Greens any real power.
Call me a Green Communist disparaging optimist, but I’d love to see Labour & Greens attrition over the next three years, National continuing to rebuild, and ACT as a far more responsible and growing spoiler.

Seymour‘s tone has shifted more towards accountability and diplomacy.

Smart move when shifting from a single seat insurgent party hanging on by it’s finger nails, 10x shift towards future king maker moving towards incumbent.

I think he’s trying to avoid a replay of Never National / NZ First.

A National / ACT coalition seems natural, Plastic Thatcher was awfully quick to offer Seymour deputy PM.

But I wonder how an uncommon Labour / ACT coalition could play to the masses who average into the middle?

Where a 2023 Labour / Green coalition can’t make the number due to feelings based policy and factual failure.

But where National / ACT can’t make it either.

All I know for sure is Kelvin Davis is quite possibly the least intelligent person to ever be an MP.

I was expecting him to say “Matt Damon”.
Quite frankly, I'm beginning to question the leadership ability of our female politicians. Not of women, mind you, but of this specific generation of she-leaders who seem to make no distinction between ruling a country and being a pre-school teacher. Ardern, Marin, Trudeau… every time I leave a place I'm almost expecting their kind to show up and tell me with a motherly-disappointed face to make sure I drive safely.

And, not to forget, Angela Merkel… who sometime around 2011 had her brains and her sense of honour amputated and replaced with a tamagotchi. Where are the Thatchers of this world?
Personally I believe that you can « judge » people based on who they hang out with, and who they actually have acquainted. Jacinda is close to Macron, Trudeau for what I know, and these are not the best company to be around. She probably likes Merkel, too. Also, CNN is literally praising her to the point of being « brown nose » about her.

Now in term of domestic policies, beside the taxes on hard-working kiwis, I don’t know her agenda all that much.

NZ is NOT that tiny an island as compared to a low population. My instincts tells me she’s pro « legal » immigration which is not wrong. Not sure about war refugees... labour being what it is in other countries, I suspect she’s inclined to welcome some too.
Labour is pro refugee, not especially pro migration from other countries - they blamed migrants for driving up house prices to unaffordable levels before their election in 2017. Not that pro refugee either, it took them forever to raise the quota from a very small number per year (750 or so) to a slightly less small number (1500 per year).

In terms of domestic policies, they are A LOT better at talking about things than actually doing any of them. Which is explained by them having a large group of "words are the same as actions" types who think that words are violence and saying something is the same thing as doing it.

Much of their domestic policies are (like so many of their left of centre brethren around the world) well intended but terrible at achieving the stated goal. I'll give as an example their policy of paying for the first year at university for any students. Really if you are going to pay for a years studies, the best year would be the third year - it shows that you are serious about studying, not just time wasting. They were told this by all the experts but the only ones they listened to were the ones that said that this would be popular with the yoof.
Thanks, your second paragraph reminds me of today’s France « big talk, no balls ».

All in all, I’m not that pessimistic about the foreseeable future for New Zealand. COVID-19 didn’t hit you as hard, both in cases and death, and economically, the lockdown implemented there while damaging too, probably wasn’t as much as Europe or America, either of which have been a disaster.
The press 2020 would crucify her. Nationals version simply sank faster than the Belgrano.

"Crusher" while not having launched a war in her career did far worse. Said generally eating too much food will cause fat.
Words to that effect. I couldn't find her actual verbatim quote despite searching 6 articles and using the key page search word "generally" the key word that she did use.
The press supplied very extensive dissections of her comment based around the feelings that people are no longer in control of themselves and -Collins insensitivity is wrong.
-Bridges a previous hopeful justly criticized taxcinders covid response and was vilified. Its his job as as opposition leader to do so.
-Muller the other hopeful at the job decided wisely to have a breakdown and resigned. He had a MAGA hat in his office that became centre news.
-Brownlee, nats 2ic zeroed in on one reporter from Newhub, justly said her questions were stupid regarding a poll and was vilified. This morning on News hub Toba O'Brian at the end of her interview tried to get him to concede her poll was correct. Brownlee who had been affable throughout the interview cleverly avoided giving her a victory by stating that the real correct poll was the one from the voters. Toba anoyingly swishes her head in feminine defiance.

Follow the lines of one David Seymour. Playbook be succinct, quickly acknowledge to any reporter any gotcha moments and cheerfully move on. Antagonizing the ruling press is political suicide near an election in the current PC world.

ACT Seymour arrived at TV1 without a mask when he had told everyone we need to be like Taiwan.
Now despite being in level one Jack Tane the interviewer took him to hypothetical task about it, saying even when there is no risk from covid Seymour must wear a mask.
Seymour cheerfully said you got me and with that victory Tane moves on with the interview. Leave the arrogance at the door. There is no Fox news to counter them here. Be tactfully civil is the only way to defeat them.

Hard ball Thatcher once admired wouldn't last the weekend.